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你如何提出分手?How do you break up?

和优优要分手。And we want to break up.

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他们在岔路口处分手。They parted at the fork.

查里和乔安娜分手了。Charlie and Joanna broke up.

我们在机场分手的。We separated at the airport.

我们都知道分手的痛苦。We all know what this is like.

我在桥头和她分手。I parted from her on the bridge.

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我忍痛和妻子分手。I tore myself away from my wife.

今天是第九十九天,我们分手后。Today is 99days that we breaked.

我们在叉路口分手。We parted at the fork of a road.

发生什么事?你们分手了吗?What happened? Did you break up?

我希望他和阿琳分手。I wish he'd break up with Arlene.

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连和珍妮丝分手的打算都没有?。Not even breaking up with Janice?

我在桥头和她分手。I broke up with her on the bridge.

他们吵了一架,分手了。They had an argument and split-up.

我刚和我的女朋友分手了。I just broke up with my girlfriend.

又有多少情侣能和和气气地分手呢?How many lovers can part as friends?

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我女朋友刚跟我分手了。My girlfriend just broke up with me.

理查德和安妮上星期分手了。Richard and Anne broke up last week.

一场争吵使两个朋友分手了。A quarrel dissevered the two friends.