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泪水刺痛了我的眼睛。Tears prick my eyes.

刺痛还是钝痛?。Prickle or dull pain?

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我的皮肤有时感到刺痛。My skin pricks sometimes.

寒风冷得我浑身刺痛。Cold wind nipped at my body.

我的良心开始感到刺痛貂。My conscience began to tingle.

电灯光刺痛他的眼睛。This glaring light hurts eyes.

我的眼睛被烟刺痛。My eyes smarted from the smoke.

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我的眼睛被烟熏得刺痛。My eyes smarted from the smoke.

他的双手冻得刺痛。His hands tingled with the cold.

我感到良心的刺痛。I feel the pricks of conscience.

我的脸颊冻得有点刺痛。My cheeks tingled with the cold.

她手的指冻得刺痛。Her fingers tingled with the cold.

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她的手指冻得刺痛。Her fingers tingled with the cold.

她的心有如刀绞一般被刺痛。Her heart stabbed as with a knife.

我太热时皮肤有刺痛感。My skin pricks when I get too hot.

她眼睛刺痛,噙着泪水。Her eyes pricked with unshed tears.

我让玫瑰树刺痛了手指。I pricked my finger on a rose tree.

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她的行为深深地刺痛了我的心。What she done hurt my heart deeply.

突然刺痛般的疼痛还是钝痛?Is it a stabbing pain or a bull pain?

李则拒绝躲在唯美的笔调后面不去刺痛真正的社会脓包。Lee refuses to hide behind aesthetics.