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山势崔巍。The mountains stand tall and imposing.

雨水都顺着山势流到了塘坳里。The rain flowed into the low-lying land.

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山之阳的两路,山势陡峭,气势磅礴。Hill of Yang 's two, steep mountains, of great momentum.

因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片时。It was a steep climb, so we rested for a while halfway up the hill.

山之阴的西北路,山势平缓,谷深峪长。Shan Yin Road Northwest, gentle mountains, valley deep valley long.

角山山势巍峨,绵延起伏,是山海关的天然屏障。Cape Mount towering mountains, rolling, is a natural barrier Shanhaiguan.

努力攀登,视野中的险峻山势就会越来越清晰。The severity of mountainous terrain becomes clearer as you start climbing.

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长城像链条一样随着山势的走向在中国北方蜿蜒曲折。twists and turns along the hill-tops of mountain chains in northern China.

陵墓像一个大钟,由南往北山势逐渐升高,共有392级台阶。This mausoleum, like a big bell, ascends from the south to the north by 392 steps.

金佛山主峰高2251米,山势陡峭,气象万千。The main peak of the Jinfo Mountain is 2251 meters high, precipitous and spectacular.

溪流随着山势,时而宽,时而窄,时而缓,时而急。With the mountain streams, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent.

升起的台地与停车场结合,使之融入到地形山势之中。Raised terraces for communal usage combined with covered car parking are blended into the slops.

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金花地区层峦迭蟑,山势雄奇,多处悬崖峭壁,沟深谷险。Zhang Jinhua region Cengluan again and again, because of Xiongqi, many cliffs, deep groove risk.

该项目巧妙结合了用地形状,在总体布局上采用互成角度的两个体量错动叠加,使建筑沿山势展开,造型独特,与环境极为协调。Derived from the shape of site, the layout of the building is figured with the overlap of two angled boxes.

山势大致南北延伸,高大雄浑,状如伏牛,俗名牛山。Roughly north-south extension of the mountain, the tall and vigorous, shaped like barberry, common name Ushiyama.

天元宫在公路旁,前方为淡水丘陵台地,后面是山势险峻的面天火山,附近丘陵起伏。The temple is right beside the highway and faces the hilly terrace of Tamsui, with the steep Mientien Mountain behind it.

这栋砖石和木材构成的住宅采用简单的开放式的平面以及顺应山势的单坡屋顶。The brick and timber house has a simple open plan with a singular plane rectangular roof following the gradient of the land.

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发源于两大山脉连绵群山中的诸条河流顺着山势相向流入巨大的盆地,然后注入密西西比河。Rivers rising in both mountain chains flow toward each other down the sides of this vast bowl, emptying into the Mississippi.

这里山势雄伟,林海茫茫,溪流澄碧,瀑布成群,翠竹遍地,鹃花满山。Here , we can find grand mountains, thick forests, clear Creek , waterfalls in groups, green bamboo and red azalea everywhere.

长城依山势蜿蜒起伏,宛如苍龙凌空飞舞,十分雄伟壮观,是无数中外游人的登临胜地。The great Wall winds like a giant serpent along the lofty myriad mountains. It is one of the most famous attractions to visitors.