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计划休假的旅行。To plan a vacine trip.

我当然希望能够带薪休假。I love my pay-vacation.

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我下个月全月休假。I'll be on holiday next month.

他们休假两个星期。They vacationed for two weeks.

我隔周周未休假。I have every other weekend off.

我们每年休假30天。Our annual leave is thirty days.

这次休假是专为你我二人的。This vacation is for you and me.

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不休假的安全利益,懒惰的男孩!Don't leave that Eames , lazy boy!

我动了心,想那一天休假。I was tempted to take the day off.

开始规划下次休假。Start planning your next vacation.

我筋皮力竭了,我要休假!I'm stressed out. I need a vacation.

他们需要有一个休假来使他们振作起来。They need a holiday to cheer them up.

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休假的地点也很重要。Sabbatical location is also important.

一位工作人员称张悟本正在休假。An employee said Zhang was on vacation.

在休假期间,他把工作放到了一边。He laid his work by during the holidays.

不过,并非所有的学术休假都具有相同的效果。Not all sabbaticals, however, are equal.

艾莉斯是暂代休假工人的替工。Alice is a fillin for workers on vacation.

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你要到北戴河休假吗?Will you be taking your leave in Beidaihe?

工人们联合起来争取带薪休假。Workers band together to get paid holidays.

我们的女职工每年有三个星期的休假。Our girls have a three-week vacation a year.