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我的兄长将我刺死。My brother struck me dead.

我是你的朋友和兄长。I am your friend and brother.

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而我的兄长却迎娶了美丽的女人!My brother woos a fair woman!

我不想成为你的老师,不想是你的兄长。I don't want to be your eldership brother.

美朱的兄长,魏的大学前辈。Miaka's older brother and Taka's college senpai.

她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother.

成员中想要哪位成为你的兄长呢?。Which member do you prefer to be your elder brother?

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他的兄长卡兰曾被指定为亲王继承人。His older brother, Kalan, was destined for the throne.

你会得到一个兄长,一个真正的、情同手足的兄长。You will gain a brother, a real, affectionate brother.

她的兄长,威廉·赫歇尔,1800年发现了红外线。Her brother, William Herschel, discovered infrared light in 1800.

他本人对我讲,他的兄长约翰是一位世界闻名的大夫。He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor.

当荣田等人手足无措时,至嬴主意向兄长说出真相。When RongTian etc, to manage to brother won idea to tell the truth.

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在我看来,他扮演着一个介于父亲和兄长之间的角色。He was somewhere between a second father and an older brother to me.

我母亲和兄长都曾在此地留下他们的脚印,现在我也来了。My brother and mother have stood on this Wall nd now I have as well.

刘在医院烧伤科做恢复性的治疗,他的兄长劝导他说出了自己的悲惨经历。As Liu recovered in the burn unit, his brother coaxed the story out of him.

同样机缘巧合的是王小虎遇上了同父异母的兄长—王小龙。Also by chance he meets his brother Dragon Wong whom he's never seen before.

这不正是发生于约瑟夫所有兄长的吗,那些出生在他之前的哥哥们?Isn't this what happens to all of Joseph's brothers who are born before him?

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我是约书亚,有血有肉的人类,是你们每个人真正的朋友和兄长。I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood, and truly a friend and brother to you all.

我是你的骑士,兄长般紧抱着你,当我看到你噙泪的双眼。I was your knight, holding you tight, as a brother when I saw your crying eyes.

兄长们将约瑟卖往埃及当奴隶,但跟雅各说约瑟遭野兽所害。They sold him into slavery in Egypt, telling Jacob he had been killed by a wild beast.