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一种独舞强调快速的拍打。A solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps.

你跳个独舞给聚会添个彩吧!It will spice up the party if you dance a solo dance.

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我曾经是一名舞蹈家,我过去常在操场上跳舞,我喜欢独舞。I had been a dancer and i used to dance alone on the playground.

独舞,个别服装或比赛服装,由家长自制或订购。Solo or competition performing, parent is responsible for the costume.

我是极喜爱秋海棠的,喜欢它凌寒独舞的神采和风骨。I am very fond of Begonia, like Ling Han solo appearance and character.

舞蹈家在接近她独舞的尾声时呼吸变得急速了。The dancer's breathing quickened as she approached the end of her solo.

来吧,别害羞了!你跳个独舞给聚会添个彩吧!Come on, don't be shy! It will spice up the party if you dance a solo dance.

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在芭蕾舞演出中,我更喜欢看独舞而不爱看集体舞。In a ballet perfomp3ance. I'd like to watch a solo rather than a group dance.

我曾是一位舞蹈家,我过去常在操场上跳舞,我喜欢独舞。I used to be a dancer and always danced on the playground. I loved solo dance.

我曾经是一名舞蹈家,我过去常在操场上跳舞,我喜欢独舞。I am a dancer before , I used to dance in the playground and I like solo dance.

因为当上教授后,我可以选择工作的时间,这样就能参加女儿的独舞表演会了where I can choose the hours I work and be able to attend my daughter's dance recitals

例如,本剧主演海伊曾是德国德累斯顿森帕歌剧院的芭蕾舞独舞演员。Hay, for instance, was formerly a soloist with the Semperoper Ballet in Dresden, Germany.

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它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework.

在每一个垂直领域都有一个强势的苗苗独舞或者几家宝宝争鸣。In each vertical there was either a single strong winner or a couple that stood out from the pack.

舞者的舞蹈类别主要是独舞,对舞和群舞。Dance categories by number of interacting dancers are mainly solo dance, partner dance and group dance.

对于央行来说,再次被视作救世主的确令人目眩,但他们也不能长袖独舞。It is heady stuff for central bankers to be seen, once again, as saviours. But they cannot do it alone.

他首度登台的六分钟独舞一鸣惊人,很快地就被邀请加入云门舞集。His first performance was an impressive six-minute solo dance , and he was soon invited to join the company.

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其中既有群舞表演,也有独舞表演,歌曲的类型包括摇滚乐、嘻哈音乐、流行音乐、乡村音乐和经典的眼滚歌曲等等。The men perform both group and solo numbers to a track of rock, hip-hop, pop, country and classic rock songs.

一个芭蕾舞蹈演员,其地位高于芭蕾群舞中的一员,低于独舞者,在小组中表演。A ballet dancer who ranks above a member of the corps de ballet and below a soloist and who performs in small ensembles.

对她隐瞒实情让我觉得有些愧疚,每当这时候,我总是凭空想象出我的声音在贯穿天际的钢丝上独舞的画面。I felt a bit guilty about fooling my ma, but whenever a pang hit, I conjured up the vision of my voice dancing along wires in the sky.