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腊遇热即软化。Wax softens in heat.

维卡软化温度。Vicat softening temp.

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经济正在软化。The economy is softening.

态度软化。One's attitude has softened.

焦痂开始软化。The eschar begins to soften.

说什么都不能使他软化。No words availed to soften him.

这使他对她的心情软化了。It mellowed his mood toward her.

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电视报道开始软化。Television reports were emollient.

亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。Linseed oil will soften stiff leather.

对付硬皮的办法就是“软化"皮肤。Meeting crustaceous way is " bate " skin.

塑料适当加热就可以软化。Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.

不过房价可能在未来有所软化。But prices could soften some in the future.

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这可能迫使宝钢软化了立场。That may have pressured Baosteel to relent.

可能要医瞩开大便软化剂或泻药。A stool softener or laxative may be ordered.

液体的和片状的织物软化剂很好用。Liquid and sheet fabric softener works well.

石蜡靠加上软化剂发生变化。The beewax were changed by adding softeners.

医生开的大便软化剂对此会有帮助。Doctor's stool softener this will be helpful.

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陶瓷工人在黏土中加入水分使它软化。Parters potters add water to soften the clay.

需要使用织物软化剂来让毛巾来保持柔软。I need fabric softener to keep my towels soft.

软化栽培为菊苣有效的栽培方式之一。Blanching culture was one of a effective method.