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他说话带有很重的乡音。He speaks in his broad accent.

她说话经常带浓厚的乡音。She often speaks with a strong local accent.

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她说话经常带浓重的乡音。She often speaks with a strong local accent.

口浓浓的乡音可以知道她的家乡。Her strong local accent betrayed her hometown.

由于他乡音很重,大家常和他开玩笑。He was often made fun of for his strong accent.

我的室友家乡音很重,大家都取笑她。Everybody was joking my roommate because of her accent.

由于他乡音重,大家常和他开玩笑。He was frequently mtext ade fun of for his strong accent.

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故乡的乡音就在耳边响起,深深地嘘口气,故乡,我回来了。Hometown accent on ears deeply Xu tone, hometown, I back.

就连我的性格里的大不咧咧,直率急性子也是归结到了这乡音和东北胃了。Even my personality inside of carelessness and candor is from this native accent and northeast stomach.

在孩子里,乔是一个小巨人,高得像埃菲尔铁塔。他们全家从欧洲移民过来,因此他略微有些乡音。Joe was an Eiffel Tower of a kid, an incipient giant. His family had emigrated from Europe, and he had a faint accent.

使人费解的是,布兰切特发现自已在这部影片中用乡音念台词时,却耗费了更多准备时间。And strangely Blanchett found speaking with her native Australian accent in Little Fish required more preparation than usual.

“现在的事实是,所谓乡音无改鬓毛衰,由于达格利什那个奇葩的英语,我和他基本上没什么沟通,这对我来说实在是太难了。”小苏牙补充道。"The truth is there's not much conversation with Kenny because of the language barrier, which makes it hard for me, " Suarez added.

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每当与别人谈起信阳时,想的就是这些山、这湾水和熟悉的乡音。Everytime when I talk to others about Xinyang, I was thinking about these mountains, this pool of water and the familiar local accent.

前述的乡音。一个摄影文章,记录访问多个地点,并影响到后来的选址和设计语汇。Vernacular Precedent. A photographic essay, documented over multiple site visits, influenced proposed site planning and design vocabularies.

他的妻子吉尼最近遇到过对她来说是少有的一次侮辱——她带有乡音的英语使她在资料登记的工作岗位上受到了不公正的待遇。His wife, Jinny , recently experienced what for her was a rare slap of shabby treatment at her data entry job because of her accented English.

看着朝拜的人们,听着听着山歌,乡音飘飘人无忧,思念为谁我知道。Looks worship the people, listen to listen to the folk song, the local accent floating person without cause for grief, whose misses knew for me.

对于生活在新加坡的缅甸移民来说,半岛购物中心的小杂货店是能够找到乡味、乡音和故乡感觉的地方。For Burmese migrants living in Singapore, the small grocery shops in the Peninsula Plaza are the place to go for the tastes, sounds and sense of home.

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我迷失在这个城市很多年,记不清这里的街道,忘却了纯朴的乡音,被腐蚀的面目全非。I am lost in this city for many years and can not remember the streets here, you forget the simplicity of the accent, was corroded beyond recognition.

本文认为,乡音乡谈出现在废名的作品中是时势使然,无可非议。The writer holds that the colloqualism and reginal dialects in Fei Ming's works just result form to the trend of the time and gives no cause for criticism.

好多加油站是我们福建人开的,虽然是莆田人,你一样可以感受到象久别重逢的亲人,哪乡音,哪乡情。Many filling stations were open we Fujian, although Putian, you can feel the same as the parting of reuniting loved ones, which accent, which Golden Source.