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我带了一套野餐玩具。I got the picnic toy sets.

这是在古桑园,我们去野餐…We were in Gusangyuan Park.

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他们在树林里野餐。They picnicked in the woods.

天天向上提议搞张翰次野餐。He suggested an open-air meal.

我们在这次野餐中玩得很痛快。We had lots of fun at the picnic.

我们在湖边的一处公园野餐了。We picnicked in a park by a lake.

他们正在林子里野餐。They were picnicking in the woods.

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我们野餐吃得开心极了。We had a lot of fun at the picnic.

周四,享受一次“希腊野餐”。Enjoy a Greek "picnic" on Thursdays.

这个周日我要去野餐。I shall go for a picnic this Sunday.

因此今天,皮球要去野餐。So today, Ball is going on a picnic.

昨天野餐因雨被取消了。The picnic was rained out yesterday.

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我们在公园的小山上野餐。We picnicked on a knoll in the park.

你什么时间能参加我们的野餐啊?When can we expect you for a picnic?

你们可以靠河沿野餐。You can picnic along the river bank.

喜欢组织那些办公室野餐?Love to organize those office picnics?

我们上星期日在林中野餐。We picnicked in the woods last Sunday.

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在这个地方野餐真上太妙了。This is a wonderful place for a picnic.

我们小孩子非常喜爱野餐。We children enjoy picnicking very much.

在公园或者海滩上来一次落日野餐Have a sunset picnic at a park or beach.