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那驸马得到皇帝的剑了么?Did your husband get the Emperor's sword?

皇帝传旨,比跷跷板招驸马。The emperor passes decree, enrol emperor's son-in-law than seesaw.

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维多利亚女王储和她的平民驸马来到演出现场向人群致意。Victoria and Daniel wave to the crowd as they arrive at the performance.

偶尔了。驸马理应让公主高兴,为什么不能用些宫中秘技?Sometimes. They are supposed to spoil the princesses, why not with the palace secrets?

多禄抵达少府监,竟发现其他驸马竟也在此处。John Paul's arrived in less than the prison, but have found that other hospital in here.

大公主忽然派人查找掉踪的大驸马,多禄悄然助他躲藏起来。Big princess suddenly sent off the big hospital for trace, help him to hide it Paul quietly.

关于驸马身材那段,主持人说泰熙经常回想起吧?About the part related to the prince's body figure, the MC asked if KTH had frequently reminisced about it or not.

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驸马身份虽然尊贵,其实不过形同仆役一般。Although the husband of princess personality is extremely respectable, in fact whatsoever fashion together the servant is common.

一天国王要招驸马,出了一个难题,先让大象摇摇头,在让大象点点头最后让大象跳进水池里,就可一做驸马。One day the king to recruit the bridegroom, a problem, let an elephant shake, in the end make elephants nods pool, into a hospital.

2001年秋,洛阳市伊川县出土了一方五代时期后唐庄宗驸马宋廷浩墓志。In the autumn of 2001 , a tomb tablet was unearthed from the tomb of Songtinghao, a son-in-law of Zhuangzong, an emperor of Houtang Dynasty.

士林不能忍受法海的严教化,出走寺门,游荡江湖,机缘巧合之下,高中武状元,皇上要招为驸马。Yet cant bear the severe the enlightenment, flee temple gate, wandering rivers lake, opportunistic under, high school, the emperor want to recruit for that. it emperor.

古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。Ancient Greece King Elis to choose a civil and military complete in both emperor's son-in-law for own daughter, proposed that the election must compete the combat tank with.

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为庆祝公主的大婚,皇帝会设宴邀请所有的高官,驸马和他的父亲,还有所有在职官员的家属前来参加。To celebrate a princess's marriage, emperors would invite high officials, the bridegroom and his father, and any relatives who have served the imperial government to a banquet.

不再是驸马的多禄约道远与有维吃羊肉,本来他欲答谢道远选拔本人,但道远竟提出延聘多禄担任本人的幕僚。No longer is the bridegroom Paul about way far and haved eat mutton, originally he to reciprocate way far selection, but I have put forward way far more than hiring Paul as I staff.