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谋杀犯肢解了尸体。The murderer dismembered the corpse.

我还要肢解剩下的。I seek to dismember , a sadist fiend.

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首先,我被肢解的尸体。First of all I dismembered the corpse.

罪犯杀死并肢解了她。The criminal killed and disjointed her.

我在想关于牛的肢解。I was wondering about cattle mutilations.

如果玩者乐意的话,还可以肢解受害者的尸体。If you like, you can also dismember them.

那叛国者被处绞刑,取去内脏并肢解。The traitor was condemned to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

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地方官员透露其中一些受害者被肢解和斩首。Local officials say some victims were mutilated and beheaded.

我读到了身体的部分,被肢解的身体。When I read this novel, I see a lot of dismembered body parts.

这回要肢解高盛,是美国证交会下的手。This time to dismember the Goldman Sachs is under the SEC's hand.

悲剧的是,刘在去年杀害并肢解了海南一名八岁女孩。Last year Mr. Liu killed and dismembered an 8-year-old Hainan girl.

去年,刘亚林在海南又杀害并肢解了一位8岁女童。Last year, Mr. Liu killed and dismembered an 8-year-old Hainan girl.

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年轻的女大学生在校园内被一个电锯杀手肢解。Young co- eds are being cut up by a chainsaw killer on a college campus.

在警局看留所中,一名男子被怀疑杀死自己妻子并把其肢解。A man suspected of killing then dismembering his wife is in police custody.

也有在国立图书馆肢解叶的一个非常微小的希女士。There is also in the Bodleian Library a mutilated leaf of a very tiny Greek MS.

如果你想肢解中国,那么就要先肢解自己!!!If you attempt to dismember china, then you have to dismember your own first! ! !

当她吸进墨鱼汁浸透的面条时,她在微笑,当她肢解生着长长的触须的龙虾时还是在笑。She smiled while slurping the inky noodles, while dissecting the antennaed prawns.

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地上尸横遍野,很多都被肢解,有些甚至被吞噬大半。There were bodies strewn everywhere, many dismembered and some even half consumed.

头顶交织而过的天线,肢解着不明不暗的天外。The top of the head interlocks, but the antenna, is dividing the unclear not dark sky.

美媒报道声称那里埋有包括儿童在内的将近30具被肢解的尸体。US media say there may be up to 30 dismembered bodies including children buried there.