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你现在应戴只口罩么。You should be wearing a mask.

甚至没有装饰的口罩销售也在增加。Even unadorned masks are selling.

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如果你咳嗽,要带上口罩。If you have a cough, wear a facemask.

抛弃式口罩不可重覆使用。Disposable masks should not be reused.

事实上只是一副口罩的精髓。It is, in fact, the quintessence of a mask.

第二天赵来戴着一个口罩上班。The second day zhao to wearing a mask to work.

在澳大公务车内备有口罩供乘客及司机使用。Put masks in UM vehicles for guests and drivers.

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你在卖专给狗戴的防SARS的口罩?So, you're selling designer SARS masks for dogs?

这些喇嘛戴上口罩,以防自己打喷涕。The monks are wearing masks in case they sneeze.

出去旅游,或者游玩时,请戴上口罩。Go out to travel, or play, please wear the masks.

外套口袋里备有口罩,床边备有空气加湿器。Keep mask in my coat pocket, humidifier by my bed.

一次性口罩真的能起防护作用吗?Do one-time-use masks actually help to protect you?

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口罩和紧紧扣住头发的白帽子。The nurses wore masks and close-fitting white caps.

护士们戴着口罩和紧紧扣住头发的白帽子。The nurses wore masks and close-fitting white caps.

卡斯帕戴了一个口罩,以至于没人能认出他。Casparwore a mask so that no one should recognize him.

外出要戴口罩、风镜、帽子,减少暴露部位。Go to wear masks, goggles, hats, reduce exposure site.

大学规定所有学生都要戴口罩。Universities have made the wearing of masks mandatory.

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考虑买一个口罩以防万一你用得着Consider buying a mask in case you need it in the future

外面尘雾迷天,最好戴上口罩。The smog is so thick that you'd better wear a respirator.

一大滴汗水从她额头上落下,滑过脸颊,浸入口罩之中。A drop of sweat slid down her cheek and soaked into her mask.