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但这些“雄蜂”打击真的起作用吗?But are the drone strikes working?

她从来不用她的螫针去剌工蜂,雄蜂,或人。She never uses it on workers, drones, or people.

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蜂王有可能与两只或者三只雄蜂交配。The queen bee is likely to mate with two or three drones.

占领紧随其后的分别是赤字、碎裂、雄蜂和非素食。Occupy was followed by deficit, fracking, drone, and non-veg.

像机器人一样处理任务只会让我们感觉像一只庸庸碌碌的雄蜂。Processing tasks like a robot can make us feel like uninspired drones.

大雄蜂无人机被认为是在打击恐怖时期是最受争议的武器。Drones are arguably the most controversial weapon in the war on terror.

然而大雄蜂无人机比超音速战斗机更有成本效率。They are, however, far more cost effective than supersonic fighter jets.

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雌雄蜂的触角感器差异不明显。There was no significant difference between female and male antennal sensilla.

兰登咧嘴笑了,“研究过一个蜂群中的雌蜂和雄蜂的关系吗?”Ever study the relationship between females and males in a honeybee4 community?

自然界中,雄蜂不会产蜜,不能叮咬,是可怜无用的东西。In nature, drone bees are poor, useless things that produce no honey and have no sting.

我们还对工程师雄蜂机器人存在的不能装备物品问题进行了修正。We've also made great strides on the Engineer Drone issue where items become unequipped.

这些感受器在雌雄蜂触角上的数量和分布具有一定差异。The number and distribution of each type of sensilla is different between male and female.

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在澳大利亚,有一群雄蜂随香寻源,强占了一株王蜘蛛兰。Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid.

突然,在一块种过烟草花的地里,我看见一只颈部深红色的幼小雄蜂鸟。Suddenly I saw a young male ruby-throated hummingbird in what had been a patch of flowering tobacco.

而一个蜂巢的机体,则将工蜂、雄蜂、以及花粉和蜂窝组成了一个统一的整体。The organism of a hive yields integration for its community of worker bees, drones, pollen and brood.

但在寄生玉米粒中的米象时,其子代雌蜂和雄蜂的个体大小是最小的。When parasitizing in rice weevl feeding on maize, the body size of both females and males was the minimum.

本发明提供了一种蛤蚧雄蜂酒。采用蛤蚧、雄蜂蛹、杞子,配以米酒经二次浸泡而成。Gekko-drone wine is prepared with Gekko, drone pupa, Lycium chinense and rice wine and through twice soaking.

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蜂王的刺只用来螫另一只蜂王,而从不螫工蜂、雄蜂或人。A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee. She never uses it on workers, drones , or people.

雄蜂、胡蜂、丸花蜂和蝴蝶徒劳地撞击着巢壁。Drones, gadflies, wasps and butterflies flutter about aimlessly, brushing their wings against the walls of the hive.

科学家发现美国胡蜂群体里的雌蜂盛行的是“包夹雄蜂”。Not only that, but among paper wasps in the United States the females practice what scientists call "male stuffing."