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同年,阿帕网停止使用了。The same year, Arpanet ceased to exist.

同年晚些时候利润开始源源而来。Profits began to flow in later the same year.

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英秀和英镐是同年生。Yingxiu and Yinghao were born in the same year.

凯恩斯同经济学家费雪不可同年而语。Keynes was no where near the economist Fisher was.

同年,费尔南迪斯发现冈比亚河。That same year, phil south diss found Gambia river.

同年,平卡斯经介绍认识了玛格丽特·桑格。That same year, he was introduced to Margaret Sanger.

同年,也有13,000名美国学生来华留学。In the same year, 13,000 Americans came to China to study.

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同年,她也荣获英国戴维柯恩文学奖。She also received the David Cohen British Literature Prize.

同年三月,旗下的学习中心在俄罗斯美丽富饶的索罟建立。The first center in Russia, Soko, was opened in March 2008.

加入这里你一定能找到同年同月同日生的朋友。Join us you will find your friends who has the same birthday.

不求同年同月同日生,但求同年同月同日死。We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together.

同年,布宜诺斯艾利斯大学法学院设立了菲尔普斯讲座教授。The same year the UBA Law School established the Catedra Phelps.

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同年在广州,深圳,开设分部。The same year, the Divisions were opened in Guangzhou, Shenzhen.

同年6月,无党派人士陈竺担任卫生部部长。In two months, Chen Zhu, non-party member, became Minister of Health.

同年,他在原本的衡宇上加了第三层。He also added a third floor to the original building in the same year.

同年秋入北京电影学院导演专修班学习。In autumn, the director into the Beijing Film Academy Course learning.

同年,第一届残疾人冬季奥运会在瑞典举行。In the same year, the first Paralympic Winter Games took place in Sweden.

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第一根大西洋电缆,由赛勒斯。菲尔德筹资,于同年7月27日完成铺设。The first Atlantic cable, promoted by Cyrus Field, was layed on July 27th.

同年,90000名婴儿出生谁欠他们的生命生物技术。That same year 90000 babies were born who owe their lives to biotechnology.

同年,他在一次冲浪中遇到了意外,使他成了四肢瘫痪的人。That same year, he had a surfing accident, which rendered him quadriplegic.