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并且采取相应的整改措施。Corresponding measures are then taken to tackle the problem.

供应商新格已将整改措施及证据回传给过来。Supplier Xinge has sent its corrective measures and proofs back.

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针对城市土地隐形市场所存在的问题分析,提出了整改措施。Discussion is made on the existed problems and given the measures.

安委会将有关隐患及整改结果登记存档。Safety Committee will register the potential risks and improvement.

还要督促服务行业定期开展自查和整改。To supervise the self-examination and periodically service industry.

联邦政府表示这些整改计划不会对纳税人增加负担。The administration says these changes will have no cost to taxpayers.

整改,装修,扩张和新开店计划。The schedule of refits , refreshes, extensions and new store openings.

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辅助生产经理管理车间现场,协调生产计划,推进现场整改。Help Production Manager to manage the workshop, coordinate production plan.

学府路是我们学校门前的一条路。三年来经过整改,焕然一新。Xuefu Road, one in front of my school has changed a lot in the past three years.

提出了具体有效的整改措施。Some concrete and effective measures for rectifying above status was put forward.

现在要开始期待新年中的新事情滨州市福利红足一世足球投注站规范化整改建设项目。But it's time to start expecting something new this year. Our God is a God of increase!

最重要的是,这些游戏全都彼此关联,所以必须被一同整改。Above all, these games are all linked to one another and so have to be changed together.

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负责审核有关金融机构整改报告的具体工作。To review and verify the reports on the rectification of related financial institutions.

审查人员只需要完成整改要求的第一项,即,了解不合格问题详情。Auditors complete only the first section of the CAR, detailing the agreed nonconformance.

法国国家宪兵队最近决定整改它的IT基建设施政策。France's Gendarmerie Nationale recently decided to review its IT infrastructure policies.

最后提出了避免该类事故发生的相关建议和整改措施。Finally some suggestions and reform measures to prevent this kind of accidents are proposed.

为提高公共服务质量,我国将对事业单位进行整改。China is set to reshape its government-funded public institutions to improve public services.

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负责识别并组织处理现场异常,并对整改措施进行跟踪。Identify and organize to handle unusual on-site situation and track the improvement measures.

追踪维保安全操作、整改措施和工单的执行。Tracks maintenance operation safety activities, corrective actions and work order performance.

中国想要表现出对整改药监局非常重视的样子。China wants to show that it is serious about improving the image of its food and drug products.