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危险性被夸大了。The danger is overstated.

他们试图夸大金币的投资价值来转手They're trying to oversell.

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他被夸大描绘成了一名英雄。He was overdrawn as a hero.

假装或夸大伤势。Feigning, or exaggerating injury.

我不想把话夸大。I don't want to demagogue my talk.

这事实被夸大得令人难以置信。The fact is incredibly exaggerated.

这是对小丑一种夸大了的恐惧。It is an exaggerated fear of clowns.

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但这个小组夸大这个事件了么?But did the panel overstate its case?

他经常夸大自己的力量。He always bragged about his strength.

这些警告是过分夸大。These warnings are grossly overblown.

我不想夸大她的故事。I don't want to romanticise her story.

赞成堕胎的团体表示他们夸大了事实。Pro-choice groups say they exaggerate.

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他喜欢夸大事实是众所周知的。His tendency to exaggerate is well-know.

她喜欢夸大她的困难。She is inclined to magnify her troubles.

这种敌意不应被夸大。That animosity should not be overstated.

有些人夸大数字了。There is a sort of school of sleep macho.

佩雷斯认为这种威胁被夸大了。Mr Pérez thinks the threats are overblown.

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所以说,法战的威胁实际上被夸大了。The lawfare threat is greatly exaggerated.

您觉得此次金融危机有被媒体过分夸大吗?Do you think the crisis is over-mediatised?

他们夸大了兰登先生的成就。They've amplified Mr Landen's achievements.