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我每天都被工作围得团团转。I'm bombarded with work every day.

她在厨房里忙得团团转。She bustled around in the kitchen.

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早上她总是忙得团团转。She is as busy as a bee in the morning.

许多妇女被他这种玩世不恭的态度耍的团团转。Most women here are cynical of his about-turn.

她想必很紧张,她一直忙碌得团团转。She must be nervous,she fusses about all the time.

你倾向于平白无故地忙个团团转。You are apt to be all revved up with no place to go.

只怪我太轻易相信别人,最后被玩得团团转。Only blame me too easily trusting, was finally getting.

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他身不由己地围着她那一伙同道团团转,一转就是一个月。He drifts around on the outskirts of her group for a month.

真的忙得团团转,一点私人空间都没有。Really busy round and round, a little private space at all.

所有人都为一个尚未开始的计划急得团团转,这是毫无意义的。It is pointless to get everyone worked up over a non-starter.

我的球技比我的对手好得多,我可以把他耍得团团转。I'm a far better player than my opponent. I can run circles around him.

冠军联赛上,迭戈1人将国米中场玩得团团转。Champions League, 1 Diego will play Inter Milan midfielder lost in a fog.

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我们的女主人急得团团转,猛抽着烟。Our hostess fluttered about, taking quick nervous puffs at her cigarette.

这股空气团团转,越来越快,又有更多的空气被吸进去。The air goes round and round, faster and faster and more air is pulled in.

安总是围着她的老板团团转,然而我认为她有点迷恋上他了。Ann is always fussing around her boss and I think she's a bit sweet on him.

在周六和周日,你也忙的团团转,但是不要试图控制任何事情。On Saturday and Sunday, you're unstoppable, but try not to control everything.

你是愿意赫斯顿圣诞布丁上花点钱呢,还是更愿意自己忙得团团转?Would you rather splash out on a Heston Christmas pudding than stir one up yourself?

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我观察良久,看到它们一直围着树干底部团团转。For a long time, I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.

他们并非每天都忙得团团转,都是退休的人了。It is not like they are pressed for time to get these things done, as both are retired.

工作忙得团团转,大师杯也没看完,挺遗憾的,明年再见!The business is too busy to watch the master cup totally, It is a pity. See you next year!