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通过自动化和通用化使您自己掌握所有这些可变性。Put yourself in charge of all this variability by automating and generalizing.

测控系统的通用化研究现已成为促进测控系统进一步发展的关键。The study of currency has become the key point of developing motor vehicle safety measuring system.

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产品形成标准化、通用化,系列化。Products are made based on standardization, universalization and serialization functioning mentality.

如果事实证明该程序更通用化一点是合理的,那就通用化它,这样您就编写了一个实用程序。If the program turns out to be reasonable to generalize a bit, generalize it, and you will have written a utility.

在开关、机床行业的实际使用表明,DCAD确实是一具实用化、通用化的软件产品。The application of DCAD in switch and machine tool industry prove that it is a general and useful software product.

您也许没有时间在最初就完全通用化一个实用程序,但是当您一直使用该实用程序就会获得相应的回报。You may not have time to generalize something fully at first, but it pays off when you get to keep using the utility.

CAPP系统开发中的通用化与实用化是CAPP系统难以推广和应用的一个主要因素。The universalization and utilization are the main factors influencing the popularization and application of CAPP system.

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通常,设法使程序更健壮会导致您更好地理解该程序的作用,从而更好地使之通用化。Often, trying to make a program more robust leads to a better understanding of its role, and better generalizations of it.

在这20多年的发展过程中,已取得了长足的进步,商品化、通用化的财务软件得到了广泛的应用。In the 20 years of development, has made considerable progress, and commercialization of GM's financial software is widely used.

通过军用方舱运输平台通用化设计,实现军用方舱陆地运输的通用化。Through the generalized design for transportation platform of military shelter we can realize the universality of military shelter.

随着产品零部件通用化的发展,在制造业中各种产品在结构上的重复是不可避免的。With the generalization of parts and components, it is inevitable that a variety of manufacturing products has the repeated structures.

语素的词缀化、词语的双音化、专业词的通用化是新词的三大发展趋向。Affixation of morphemes, words' being disyllabic and universalization of technical terms are the three evolution tendencies of neologisms.

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地图将地球浓缩成我们口袋中的小世界,地图商品使俯视图像通用化。Maps condense the planet into a little world inside our pocket, the commodification of which has universalised the 'plan-view' photograph.

计算表明设计的系统达到了初期的目标,实现了接口通用化,运行高效率。Calculating indicates the system has reached the goal of initial stage, realized the interface universalization and the high efficiency running.

起先,我针对三张具体的表和两个具体的类编写了一段写死的代码,根本就没有考虑通用化的问题。I started by writing an example that was hard-coded for three particular tables and two particular classes. I didn't think about generalizing it.

实现用户权限管理的通用化,可以大大减少软件的开发时间和成本,增强企业的市场竞争力。The general utilization of user authority management can greatly reduce the developing time and cost, enhance the enterprise's competitive power.

这种包装框架牢固可靠、科学实用、结构简单,同时达到了通用化、标准化的要求。The packaging frame is solid and reliable, scientific and practical, simple structure, and meeting the demand of universalization and standardization.

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构建了一个通用化、标准化、模块化的宽频带射频接收前端,达到了课题预定的指标。A broadband RF front-end, which provided universal, standardized, modular is presented, and the predestinate indicators of the subject has been reached.

以发射系统为背景,浅析了防空导弹共架发射关键技术之一的发射装置通用化技术。Based on launch system, electropult currency property technology is analysed simply, which is one of the key technology of aerial defence missile sharing-rack launch.

结合实例,讨论了制丝设备改造中辅机设备的合理选型、设备维护、零部件的通用化等问题。The type selection, maintenance, and versatility of parts and assemblies of auxiliary machinery in primary processing line updating were discussed with practical examples.