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电影准时开演。The film began on time.

戏今晚七点开演。The play begins at 7 p.m. this evening.

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马戏开演前,小丑们都要化好妆。Clowns always make up before a circus show.

雷恩在电影开演后偷溜进场。Ryan snuck into the movie after it started.

三小时的演唱会准时开演。The three-hour concert started as scheduled.

我们得走了,妈。电影两点二十开演。We gotta go, Mom. Movie starts at two-twenty.

不知道该开演些什么,总是莫名奇妙的感慨!Begin do not know what's always baffled Feeling!

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我们到那里的时候,戏已经开演了。By the time we got there, the movie had already begun.

我们到那里的时候,电影已经开演了。By the time we got there , the movie had already begun.

电影将在5分钟后开演,人们一定正排着长队。The movie starts in 5 minutes and there's bound to be a long line.

当这部电影开演时,它打破了电影观众人数和赢利的记录。When the film opened, it broke records for attendance and profits.

一些看戏来得早的观众在开演前一小时就开始陆陆续续到来了。Some early theatregoers began to trickle in an hour before the show.

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在维密秀开演之前我会花一个半月的时间大量地跳绳。I do lots of jumping rope for about a month and a half before the show.

开演之前,工作人员带着专业器材来到红专厂。The staff brought professional equipment to Redtory before the show began.

如果把2005年的中国车市比作一出精彩大戏的话,那么已经开演的上海车展无疑是这场戏的序曲。If the 2005 market is a big show, the coming Shanghai Auto Show is the prelude.

我们的班级演出下个月即将开演,每个人都得为演出成功尽一份力。Our class play is coming up next month, and everyone should help make it a success.

在纽约,1959年,音乐,“星”吉卜赛人在百老汇开演,艾雪儿人鱼。And 1959, in New York, the musical "Gypsy, " star in Ethel Merman, opens on Broadway.

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即梦幻的马戏团毫无征兆的到来并在黄昏开演。Le Cirque des Rêves, the circus of dreams, arrives without warning and opens at dusk.

在戏剧栏里,有一篇剧评提到纽约来的刚开演的新戏。On the theater page there was a review from New York of a new play that had just opened.

开演的那天晚上,嘉莉觉得似乎自己演的角色终究还是无足轻重。On the opening night it looked to Carrie as if there were nothing to her part, after all.