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这是一条鲇鱼。This is a catfish.

我们为你祈祷为台风鲇鱼接近中国。We are praying for you as the typhoon Megi nears China.

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鲇鱼台风是今年袭击中国最强烈的台风。Megi may be the strongest typhoon to hit China this year

2005年,柬埔寨渔业部门放生一条湄公河巨型鲇鱼。Cambodia Fisheries personnel release a Mekong giant catfish in 2005.

台风“鲇鱼”是菲律宾近四年遭受的最强台风。Megi is the strongest storm the Philippines has faced for four years.

鲇鱼台风破坏了我们去海沧动物园秋游的计划。The "Megi" storm destroyed our autumn outing to go to Haicang Zoo's plan.

台风“鲇鱼”是菲律宾近四年所遭受的最强台风。Typhoon Megi is the strongest storm the Philippines has faced for four years.

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鲇鱼通常在苇根或苇干附近的浅水里产卵。The catfish deposits its eggs in shallow water, generally dose to roots or close to reeds.

鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短间隔移动。Not only can walking fish live out of water but they can also travel short distances over land.

鲇鱼是松嫩平原盐碱湿地重要的高值食用鱼类之一。Oriental sheatfish is one of economic fish for saline-alkali fishery wetlands in Songnen Plain.

采用牧马河和鲇鱼山水库流域的日降雨径流资料对模型进行了率定和校核。The daily rainfall-runoff data from the Mumahe and Nianyushan reservoir basins is selected to test the model.

东半球的淡水鲇鱼,体表无鳞,有类似鳗鱼尾鳍的很长的臀鳍。Old World freshwater catfishes having naked skin and a long anal fin more or less merged with the eellike caudal fin.

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台风鲇鱼引起的灾害已经夺去11名人员的生命,根据应急管理局报道。Disasters caused by Typhoon Megi have claimed 11 lives in the island, according to the emergency management authority.

超级台风“鲇鱼”在登陆菲律宾北部的伊拉甘市时,屋顶被狂风吹翻,“鲇鱼”在当地又被称为Juan。The roof flies off a house as super typhoon Megi, known locally as Juan, hits Ilagan City, in the northern Philippines.

全鱼宴、卤河蟹、鲇鱼炖豆腐、贴饼子熬小鱼等特色饮食自古有名。Whole fish feast, halogen crab, catfish stew tofu, boil fish paste cakes and other special diet known since ancient times.

无论是鲑鱼、贝类、鲇鱼或淡的罐头拉丁鱼,这些低汞的富含omega-3脂肪酸的鱼类永远是健康的选择。Whether it's salmon, shellfish, catfish, or canned light tuna, these low-mercury, omega-3 fat rich fish are always a healthful choice.

气象专家说虽然台风“鲇鱼”在离上海南部很远的地方登陆,但是其能力足够强大影响上海的天气。Meteorologists said that although Megi made landfall far south of Shanghai, the storm was strong enough to influence the city's weather.

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青尼罗河的鲇鱼在水中是反着身子游的,是以它们的违部是浅色的,而腹部却是深色的,以及一般鱼的色彩结构相反。The Nile catfish swims upside down, and therefore has developed a light back and a dark belly, the reverse of the usual fish color scheme.

在台风“鲇鱼”可能经过的区域,成千上万的人们放弃了自己的家园,应急人员更是高度戒备,许多地区的学校也关闭了。Thousands of people in the path of storm Megi have fled their homes. Emergency services are on high alert and schools are closed in many areas.

气象学家称,台风“鲇鱼”在登陆过程中已演变为强台风,但是随着横扫菲律宾北部,暴风可能会稍微减弱。Forecasters said Megi was a super typhoon as it made landfall, but was likely to weaken slightly as it made its way across the northern Philippines.