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我左耳耳鸣。My left ear tingles.

长期服用塞乐特会不会引起耳鸣呢?Long-term use plug Lete will it cause tinnitus?

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强烈的噪音会导致老年性耳聋和耳鸣.Loud noise contributes to presbycusis and tinnitus.

我老是感到耳鸣和头晕眼花。I've kept getting a roaring in my ears and giddiness.

不过,有一些其他原因造成的耳鸣。However, there are a number of other causes of tinnitus.

耳鸣又高血压有什么办法治疗的吗?Tinnitus what what method treats does hypertension have?

耳鸣,鼻窦炎,鼻炎,头晕,美尼尔氏病。Tinnitus, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Dizziness, Meniere's Disease.

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他有轻度耳鸣,并且听力稍减。He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.

戴上耳塞或者护耳器等保护措施可以防止耳鸣。For tinnitus, protection like ear plugs or ear defenders help.

头晕目眩,耳鸣,腰膝酸软无力。Giddy dazzled, tinnitus, lumbar genu aching and limp is faint.

耳鸣可以独立发生,与严重听力丧失无关。Tinnitus may occur independent of the severity of hearing loss.

在沉默时或临睡前常便当产生耳鸣,看看神经衰弱药。Or often before you go to sleep in quiet often prone to tinnitus.

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它能有效治疗耳鸣、偏头痛、鼻窦炎、高血压等病症。It can treat tingle , brow ague , nose sinusitis , hypertension effectly.

慢性鼻炎会引起头晕耳鸣吗?有什么方法可以调理!Can chronic rhinitis cause giddy tinnitus? What method can be recuperated!

中耳外伤有流血、耳聋、耳鸣、耳痛,偶有眩晕。Ear trauma is bleeding, deafness, tinnitus, earache , occasional dizziness.

其特点为阵发性眩晕、波动性耳聋、耳鸣。Characterized by paroxysmal vertigo, the volatility of deafness and tinnitus.

使用噪声大的机器工作会导致耳鸣或噪音性失聪。Working with loud machinery can cause tinnitus or noise induced hearing loss.

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最常见的首发症状包括听力下降、耳鸣、共济失调、眩晕。Hearing loss, tinnitus, ataxia, and vertigo are the most common initial symptoms.

眩晕发作时,病人可能感觉到、也可能感觉不到耳鸣和听力下降。The patient may or may not notice these symptoms during the onset of the vertigo.

结论倍他司汀可以作为临床上治疗主观性耳鸣药物的一种选择。Conclusions Betahistine mesilate can be a choice for tinnitus treatment clinically.