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我们的老师正侨居海外。Our teacher is living overseas.

当他们在那地侨居时,寥寥无几而人数极稀。When they were few in number, strangers in the land.

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东南亚是闽籍华侨的主要侨居地。Southeast Asia is where most overseas Chinese from Fujian Province reside.

培养中国当局与侨居者的亲善关系。To cultivate enabling relationship with Chinese authorities here and diaspora.

从世界各地侨居去美国的移民带去了各自不同的语言和文化。The country's many immigrants bring languages and cultures from all parts of the world.

他们为侨居国带去了中华民族的灿烂文明。They have taken away Chinese nation's bright civilization for the country of residence.

一般而言,出于本身安全等原因,他们对侨居地的政治是漠不关心的。In general, for their own safety and other reasons, they lived in politics is indifferent.

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他还说,政府亦会对那些侨居国外且想回国的缅甸公民的情况予以考虑。He said the government will also consider Burmese citizens living abroad who want to return.

哈利逊是我的旧友,侨居地中海多年,近返英国。My old friend Harrison, had lived in the Mediterranean for years before he returned to England.

至今有五六百人,其中400余人侨居东南亚等地。So far, Su Guchun has over 500 descendants, more than 400 of whom have lived in Southeast Asia.

2008年,我们将会在火星上建立侨居地,人人都会通过心灵感应进行沟通。In 2008 there would be colonies on Mars and everyone would communicate through mental telepathy.

使你以为地上最宝贵的地方,成为天主子民相宜的侨居地。That the land which of all is most dear to thee might receive a worthy colony of the children of God.

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从“华侨”一词的由来,展开论述了中国人侨居海外的历史源远流长。Starting from the origin of the word "Overseas Chinese", the long history of emigrated Chinese was formed.

近年来,它也逐渐传播到闽南周边地区,甚至港、台以及部分海外闽南籍华人侨居地。The tradition has spread in recent years to Hong Kong and overseas clusters of emigrants from Minnan-speaking areas.

另一个原因是,在侨居藏人中,文化身份和政治身份被看作是相辅相成的。Another reason is that, in the Tibetan diaspora , cultural and political identity are assumed to stand in for each other.

温州人移居海外源远流长,历史悠久,早在宋真宗年间就有温州人侨居海外。Wenzhou has a long history of emigration to overseas countries, as early as the reign of Emperor Zhenzong in Song Dynasty.

照着这些殖民者的心态,他们完全也可以把整个泰国和菲律宾人口都算作中国侨居移民。Based on the colonial mindset, the TE might as well classified whole of Thailand & Phillipines population as Chinese diaspora.

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依据华侨的具体历史形成,分析了中国人侨居海外的社会根源。According to the concrete historical formation of Overseas Chinese, the primarily reason of the emigrated Chinese had been discussed.

由于其复杂的世界观和侨居国外的经历,蒲宁在他自己的祖国被冷落了几十年,直到去世后才得到“回归”。Due to his complex world outlook and his experience of living abroad, Bunin was treated coldly in his motherland for dozens of years.

他说,在他访问北卢安瓜的时候,他“从侨居该地的外国人到当地的职员那里了解到大量的事情经过。He said that when he visited North Luangwa he learned “quite a lot about what had been going on, from the expatriate and local staff.