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他们老是在闲荡。They are always dawdling.

独自沮丧地闲荡?Alone and palely loitering?

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他闲荡着走向对面的酒吧。He moseyed across to the bar.

他们懒散地闲荡着。They lolled and lolloped about.

迈克闲荡着浪费了太多时间。C. Mike fiddles around too much.

我看见他一直在广场附近闲荡。I saw him sticking by the square.

他独自一人在海滩上闲荡。He strolled along the beach along.

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昨天一整天吉米都在闲荡。Jimmy mooned around all day yesterday.

我后悔我闲荡的太多了。I regret that I kidded around too much.

他不再在那房子四周闲荡了。He is no longer mooning round the house.

新生的小狗娃从一个房间到另一个房间地闲荡。The new puppy strayed from room to room.

我一整天都在家里闲荡。I spent the day lounging about the house.

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他不再在那房子四周闲荡了。She was mooning about the house all weekend.

这对恋人在海滩上闲荡。The two lovers were lolling about the beach.

放学后,孩子们在街头闲荡。After school,children wandered in the streets.

我工作时,你却到处闲荡,什么也不干。You swanned around doing nothing when I worked.

那流浪汉正在那漂亮女孩周围闲荡。The loafer is hanging about the attractive girl.

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这个徒弟老在闲荡,什么事也不干。The apprentice is always lazing about doing nothing.

他在办公室闲荡了一会儿,感到百无聊赖。He moped around the office for a while, feeling bored.

他听说过在旅馆里闲荡的人被叫作蹭座者。He had heard loungers about hotels called chair-warmers.