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那场比赛的输赢事先已讲定。That game is fixed.

用事先皮肤白白净净的!With prior skin scrub!

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我已事先做好一份计划表。R I made a schedule earlier.

我得事先告诉他。I have to tell him in advance.

吸烟是一项事先合同。Smoking is an advance contract.

但我事先不知道他们竟然会缺笔。I did not know they wanted pens.

一切都事先料理好了。It had been arranged beforehand.

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没人事先预料到这事。No one expected this beforehand.

课程设置必须事先计划好。The curriculum must be preplanned.

事先得到了警告便是事先作了准备。To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

事先毫无警告,他拔枪射击。Without warning he pulled and fired.

一切都是事先确定好了的。Everything has been fixed in advance.

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我事先已有意接受他的道歉。I am preinclined to accept his apology.

我用事先安排好的手势作答。I answer with prearranged hand signals.

这种事先的准备工作是附带进行的。This kind of previous job is accessary.

您应该事先要求一间安静的房间。You should have asked for a quiet room.

请你事先订座位。Please reserve a seat for you in advance.

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我们需要事先作出准确的估计。We should make exact estimates aforehand.

实际上我是想事先通知你的。Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.

骡罣实际上我是想事先通知你的。Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.