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他们在农场上养牛。They keep cattle on their farm.

养牛大多是为了提供奶制品。Cattle are raised mostly for dairy.

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农民养牛羊,种庄稼。种竹成林。The farmer raises cattle and crops.

这已经被用于在平邑县的蒋家庄养牛。This has been used to raise cattle in the village.

今天,生物质原料同其他食物一起用来养牛。Today, that biomass is fed to cattle, among other things.

我们已经禁止养牛,还修复了100公里老水道。We have banned cattle and restored 100km of old waterways.

很多人养牛,我们过的是山村生活。Many people had cows, and we lived a village life, " he says."

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大西洋森林正在被养牛场和大豆种植地侵蚀。The Atlantic Forest has been cleared to grow beef and soya beans.

传统上北非的丁卡人都是养牛的。The dinka people of north africa are cattle-farmers by tradition.

我像男人一样工作,养牛羊或任何我可作的事。I worked like a man, mustering cattle and sheep, whatever I could.

在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦和玉米,并且养牛。In this flat country, people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle.

这是威利斯.哈奇养牛用的仓库和竖井。This is the barn and silo used for the cattle raised by Willis Hatch.

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我祖父花得慢些,把钱消耗在了马匹和养牛上。My grandfather blew his money more slowly, on horses and cattle farming.

哈丁考虑过牧民在共享田野上养牛的例子。Hardin considered the example of herders raising cattle on a shared field.

但是东南部的养牛产业从来没有得到国家的重视。Yet the cattle industry of the Southeast never attracted national attention.

稼全都死光了,而且也没有足够的草场可以养牛。The drought killed our crops, and there wasn't enough pasture for the cattle.

采用SBR-絮凝工艺对养牛场废水进行处理。A process of SBR-flocculation was adopted to treat the cattle farm wastewater.

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火似乎是从邻近的一个养牛的牧场方向蔓延过来的。The flames appear to have spread from the direction of a neighbouring cow farm.

表3-3显示了两位生产者种土豆和养牛的机会成本。Table 3-3 shows the opportunity cost of meat and potatoes for the two producers.

就像,养鸡、养羊、养牛、生产羊毛、黄油和奶酪。Looking after chickens, sheep and cows, producing cakes, wool, butter and cheese.