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最终,鸟类和动物得到了各自为战的疲惫。Eventually the birds and animals got tired of fighting each other.

像绿脓杆菌这样的微生物曾经被认为是一支杂牌军,各自为战,互不联系。Microbes like P. aeruginosa were once thought of as disorganised renegades, each cell working alone.

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我们必须自力更生,而非寄希望于我们的管理者各自为战。We shouldn't expect our regulators to live up to their end of the bargain unless we live up to ours.

然而,在发展新的商业模式时,仍然有“各自为战”的感觉。However, there's still a feeling of "it's everyone for themselves" when it comes to developing new business models.

这个军的各个师在试图安全向南撤退时,各自为战。The isolated divisions of the corps fought desperate rearguard actions as they tried to retreat to safety in the south.

这种营销有效地克服了制造商和经销商各行其是,各自为战的弊端。This kind of marketing effectively overcome the manufacturer and distributor split asunder, the disadvantages of achieved.

尤其是现阶段的“筑底”行情之下,各方主力各自为战,谁也顾及不了谁了。Particularly under this bottom-based quotes, every market force is struggling for their own, does care nothing about one another.

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到目前为止,关于新的刺激方案,各成员国也只是各自为战,拒绝一个合作的、统一的刺激方案。Regarding new stimuli, members simply patted themselves on the back for their efforts thus far but declined to put together a global stimulus.

每一个队伍都希望,最终可以排名到前八位,以便获得淘汰赛阶段各自为战的一个名额。Each of them is hoping to finish in the top eight of the round robin standings so as to earn a spot in the knockout phase of their respective events.

这些部队是由医生、律师、学生组成的,在前线基本上是各自为战,不过他们全部忠于国家过渡委员会。The units – made up of doctors, lawyers, students – fighting on the front operate more or less independently, he said, but all are loyal to the interim council.

我国传统的钢材贸易经营分散且各自为战,钢材产品从生产到终端用户的流通渠道过于冗长、分级不清。In China traditional steel trade operations are dispersed and done separately. Steel production circulation channels are over complex and not classified clearly.

企业各自为战的配送活动导致了较高的物流配送成本,对城市交通造成了巨大的压力,同时对环境造成了一定的影响。Since many enterprises carry out distribution separately, it has caused high cost of distribution, immense pressure on city traffic and certain effects on environment.

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考虑到反卡扎菲的战争依旧处于群龙无首的状态,而参战的西方大国或多或少的都在各自为战,英法可能采取单方面行动去武装反抗军。But with the war against Qaddafi still largely leaderless, and each Western power fighting more or less on its own, France or Britain could arm the rebels unilaterally.

为了避免“各自为战”,美国和欧洲的科学家以及管理层一致认为,两个空间机构之间必须开展前所未有的合作。In order to avoid "fighting each other", the United States and Europe, scientists and management agree that between the two space agencies to launch an unprecedented co-operation.

三方在游戏开始时将各自为战,在游戏中任何一方都可与其它一方通过谈判达成联盟联合起来去消灭另一方。Three sides when the game starts will operate independently, any side may achieve the alliance in the game with other side through the negotiations to join up eliminates another side.

受到美国国债广阔市场的流动性的引诱,惊恐的投资者纷纷抢购最为安全的美元资产,因为欧元区充满混乱,债券市场各自为战。Scared investors rushed into the safest dollar assets, lured by the liquidity of the vast market for US Treasuries , as the euro area was revealed as a mess of fragmented bond markets.