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他是该工作最隹的人选。He is a natural for the job.

男主角还没有确定的人选。The male lead, still warble.

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差不多三分之一的人选βRoughly, almost a third choose Beta.

约翰是递补这个空缺的最佳人选。The vacancy has already been filled.

董事会开始物色常任CEO人选Board Initiates Search for Permanent CEO

她是男生心中追求的理想人选。She is the dreamboat in the boy's heart.

那么多人选下呀Okay there's a massive majority for Down.

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你是做这件事的合适人选吗?Are you the person who should be doing this?

简是做理查德妻子的合适人选吗?Is Jane a possibility as a wife for Richard?

约翰及京子‧鲍尔是不二人选。John and Kyoko Bauer were logical candidates.

男主角还没有确定的人选。The male lead, still uncast, will not warble.

专业人员培训师是一个很值得期待的候选人选。Professional trainers are also good prospects.

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毫无疑问,达格利什是稳定目前局面的最好人选。Kenny is a terrific stabiliser of the situation.

有人选66了,那我们来分析一下Somebody said 66. So let's start analyzing this.

他得到那份工作,因为他是最佳人选。He got the job because he was the best candidate.

他们报告说,他是这项工作最隹的人选。He is, beyond question, the best man for the job.

他无疑是最合适的人选。He was, indubitably, the most suitable candidate.

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我已经提名你为这项工作的最佳人选。I've put you forward as the best man for the job.


据说他是前头面临任务的最佳人选。He was tailor-made, it was said, for the task ahead.