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农民通常轮种。Farmers usually alternate their crops.

这里油菜和大麦轮种。Rape and barley are grown is rotation here.

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他们每年在田地里轮种几种庄稼They rotated crops in the field every year.

农民们可以将它和谷类作物轮种。And farmers can plant them in rotation with grain crops.

每年播种作物的轮种带可用作休耕带的防风林。Alternate strips planted to crops each year serve as windbreaks for the fallow strip.

这样的水旱轮种交替,展示人、食物生产、大自然生态可以和谐共处。Through crop rotation, the harmony between human, food production and ecology can be achieved.

土豆是个很好的营养来源,农民可以将它与谷类作物轮种。Potatoes are a good source of nutrients. And farmers can plant them in rotation with grain crops.

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土豆是一种良好的营养来源,而且农民可以将它与谷类作物轮种。Potatoes are a good source of nutrients. And farmers can plant them in rotation with grain crops.

土地经过多年轮种变的贫瘠,需要补充有机质。After several years of crop rotation, the land became infertile and needed to be supplemented with organic matter.

为了大幅度地减少土壤损失,农民正在山坡地上修梯田,轮种庄稼并采用新的耕作方法。Concerned farmers are building terraces on hilly fields, rotating their crops, and using new plowing methods to cut soil losses significantly.

亚麻荠是一种专用作能源的作物,并不会排挤其他粮食作物来源,它通常与小麦轮种,也可以生长在不适合粮食作物的贫瘠土地上。Camelina is a dedicated energy crop that does not compete in the food chain. It grows in rotation with wheat acreage and can also grow on marginal land not suitable for food crops.

稻种资源的轮种更新是其得以妥善而持续保存的重要手段之一。Alternation of culture for rice germplasm resources is one of the most effective approaches for safe conservation in order to decrease variety degeneration and to increase its rejuvenation.