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现在詹姆斯有了左膀右臂来对抗湖人。James comes armed for the Lakers now.

没有一个好部长,我们就觉得好像失去了左膀右臂。Without a good minister we feel as if we aremissing our hands.

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为什么要放弃身经百战的左膀右臂而选择一位从事资产管理的人?Why pick an asset-management man over such a battle-hardened lieutenant?

马伦上将进一步形容该网络为ISI名副其实的左膀右臂。Admiral Mullen went further, describing the network as a veritable arm of the ISI.

技术总监的左膀右臂正在调查引发文件恢复失败的原因。The right-hand man to the CTO is investigating the reason that caused the file recovery failure.

在致以拜登的颂词中,奥巴马说从一开始,他从未后悔选择拜登作为他的左膀右臂。In his tribute to Biden, Obama said that from the very start, he never regretted choosing him as his right-hand man.

希拉克先生的左膀右臂,前总理阿兰。贾普,成为萨尔科齐的盟友之后,预计将得到一个顶级职位。Alain Juppé, a former prime minister and right-hand-man to Mr Chirac who has become a Sarkozy ally, is expected to get a top post.

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即将卸任的参谋长联席会议主席麦克穆伦上将说,哈卡尼网络是巴基斯坦情报局的左膀右臂。The outgoing US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, said the Haqqani network was a veritable arm of the Pakistani intelligence.

只是一向作为反政府军领导起义的左膀右臂的卡塔尔艾尔加基拉电视台报道了关于班加兹群众集会的场面。The Qatari TV station, Al Jazeera, which has acted for much of the uprising as the rebels' propaganda arm, had shown huge crowds in Benghazi.

诸葛亮北伐时期,魏延作为诸葛亮的左膀右臂,为蜀汉立下了汗马功劳。During the period of Zhuge Liang's northern expedition, Weiyan, as Zhuge's capable assistant had achieved war exploits for the kingdom of Shu Han.

英国新闻集团的左膀右臂——国际新闻的主管们争辩说这一违法行为并不普遍。Executives at News International -- the British arm of News Corp. that ran the newspaper -- have argued that illegal activities were not widespread.

汗以及坎大哈市市长先后遇刺身亡,这使得卡尔扎伊失去了左膀右臂和政治盟友,在政治上遭到了沉重打击。Khan and Kandahar mayor has assassinated, which makes the loss of the right-hand man Karzai and political allies, in politics, suffered a heavy blow.

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从本质上讲,议会是克里姆林宫的左膀右臂,同时普京废除了地方上州长的选举,改由总统直接任命。The Parliament is essentially an arm of the Kremlin, and Mr. Putin has done away with the election of regional governors, who are now presidential appointees.

根据一位化名哈尼夫-菲兹的16岁大、去年加入基地组织的人透露,克什米尔毋庸置疑已经成为本拉登的左膀右臂。According to Hafiz Hanif, the pseudonym of a 16-year-old Afghan who fought in Al Qaeda's ranks last year, Kashmiri's status as a bin Laden favorite was obvious.

根据一位化名哈尼夫-菲兹的16岁大、去年加入基地组织的人透露,克什米尔毋庸置疑已经成为本拉登的左膀右臂。According to Hafiz Hanif, the pseudonym of a 16-year-old Afghan who fought in Al Qaeda’s ranks last year, Kashmiri’s status as a bin Laden favorite was obvious.

作为主席、首席执行官或者董事总经理的“左膀右臂”,财务总监还应该是高层团队中的关键成员,更多地承担起战略设计的责任。As the best helper of the chairman or chief executive officer , the CFO should be still key member in the high team , and undertake the duty of strategy's design.

农谢是红色高棉的“二哥”,是波尔布特的左膀右臂。他在红色高棉这个秘密组织中曾经负责意识形态工作。红色高棉领导人波尔布特死于1998年。Known as Brother Number 2 Nuon Chea is believed to have been the chief ideologue of the secretive Khmer Rouge and right-hand man to leader Pol Pot, who died in 1998.

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昨天上午,我获得了一个难得的机会与一位伊朗高官坐在了一起,很多人认为他是伊朗总统内贾德的左膀右臂和最受信任的顾问。Yesterday morning, I had a rare opportunity to sit down with a man many see as the right hand and most trusted advisor of the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

他说,他认为这位领导人很可能是本·拉丹的左膀右臂——埃及裔医生扎瓦希里,因为他的相貌与美国飞机在返程中撤在该地区传单上的照片相符。Zawahiri, an Egyptian doctor who is Mr. bin Laden's right-hand man, because his face matches the picture on flyers that were dropped over this area by American planes a while back.

而其中的某一方,小人程度高一点者,必然要拉帮结伙几位在智商才华成就潜力各个方面低于自己的二流文人,为左膀右臂。A party which, a little higher level villains who, inevitably partisan achievements several potential talent in all aspects of IQ less than their second-rate writers, for the right-hand man.