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靖国神社大鸟居有多架势?。How big is the Torii of Yasukuni Shrine?

铃一响那两个拳击手就摆好迎击架势。The two fighters squared away when the bell rang.

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他们摆好打架的架势,并开始了试探性的攻击。They squared up and began to engage a probing attack.

他看上去像个超人,一付不可战胜的架势。He looked like Superman and seemed just as invincible.

我不太愿意摆出一副义愤填膺的架势来。I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation.

在北京,它很快就转化成的撩起衣衫的架势。In Beijing, it soon morphed into the rolled-up-shirt look.

叶利钦很客气,很友好,稍微有点屈尊俯就的架势。Yeltsin was polite and friendly, but slightly patronizing.

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黑子用手枪指着曹弘毅的脑袋,做出要开枪的架势。With the gun to Cao Hongyi's head to shoot off the sunspots.

地躺在扶手椅里,故意摆出一种轻蔑的架势。He lounged in an armchair in a stance of deliberate contempt.

他说话的架势好像我只要再说错一个字,门牙就会挨上一拳。He sounded like one wrong word and I would get socked in the teeth.

他懒洋洋地躺在扶手椅里,用意摆出一种藐视的架势。He lounged in an left armchair in a stance of deliberconsumed contempt.

伽弗洛什摆起架势准备跨篱笆,又忽然停了下来。Gavroche began the operation of scaling the hedge, then suddenly paused.

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这只田鼠并没逃走,相反在它的地盘上,对着这位比它大的多的对手排开架势。Rather than run, the mouse squared up to its larger opponent and stood his ground.

他说话的架势像个现实主义者,但他明显对现实一无所知。He is supposedly talking as a realist, but he obviously knows nothing about reality.

他们抠门的架势和毅力是经济学家几十年未曾见到的。They're scrimping with more vigor and tenacity than economists have seen in decades.

这年轻人脸上通红,握紧拳头,简直想要摆出动武的架势。The youth grew crimson, and clenched his fists, with every appearance of a meditated assault.

从起初快速剪辑的闪回,让这部文艺片颇有商业片的架势。Quick clips from the first flashback, so this is quite an artistic film, commercial film posture.

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我一手抓鞍座,一手抓杠杆,气喘吁吁地摆好了再次登上机器的架势。One hand on the saddle , the other on the lever, I stood panting heavily in attitude to mount again.

但是,战士的架势和模样端起来了,文学的艺术能力却落下去了。However, the soldiers of the posture and appearance-side up, and literary artistic ability has gone down.

有时候真想好好的拉开架势和扎好好干一场,可是没定你就不要进去了哎!Sometimes really want to good posture and bar opened a dry well , but did not set you will not get the hey!