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什么是缓存中毒?What is cache poisoning?

大量的水就可能使你中毒。A large amount can poison you.

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鸳鸯吃了毒药中毒而死。Yuanyang eat poison poisoning.

我现在也成了这个园子里的一个中毒者。I am a prisoner of this garden.

加里曼丹岛中毒死亡的鱼Poisoned Fish in West Kalimantan

他由于吃了腐肉而中毒。He is poisoned by eating rotten meat.

使用后均未出现中毒现象。No toxicosis happened among the animals.

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简•奥斯汀“死于砷中毒”Jane Austen 'died from arsenic poisoning'

麻醉性镇痛药和酒中毒。Narcotic analgesics and alcohol poisoning.

目前尚无百草枯中毒的有效解毒剂。Paraquat poisoning is no effective antidote.

她怀疑这些鸟儿有可能是中毒而死。She said she doubted the birds were poisoned.

现在她的血液和呼吸中毒有剧毒。The poison is in her blood and on her breath.

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我电脑中毒了怎么办啊?“,“现在几点了?“How do I fix my hacked PC?" "What time is it?"

中毒场所以工厂食堂为主。Poisoning places to factory canteens oriented.

我中毒了,一种名叫“何洁”病毒,怎么办呀!I got a virus called"he jie", what should I do?

奥,伦德尔勋爵,我的儿,我恐怕你已中毒?O I fear you are poisoned, Lord Randal, my son!

哈特谢普苏特女王死于化妆品中毒?Did Queen Hatshepsut Moisturize Herself to Death?

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氟中毒是由于摄入过量氟引起的。Excess ingestion of fluoride can cause Fluorosis.

氟中毒是全世界广泛存在的一种人畜共患性地方病。Fluorosis is zoonosis in many parts of the world.

最后在一场战事中,卫无忌受伤中毒。It is finally in a war, wei Moji gets hurt toxic.