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“染缸,”父亲说。“Dye vats, ” Father said.

他们现在都给染缸上了盖子。They have lids on the vats now.

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我担心的不只是染缸。It’s not just the vats that worry me.

他们在染缸中浸染织品。They dipped the fabric in a vat of dye.

我被奋力拉着穿过布满染缸的曲径。I was tugged back through the maze of vats.

染缸里找不到白布。You cannot draw white cloth from a dying vat.

碎石嘎吱作响,有人绕到这只染缸这儿来了。A crunch in the gravel, and someone rounded the vat.

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你以为我是染缸啊,跟谁都有染。Do you think I am the vat with anyone, having an affair.

“染缸的数量增加了一倍,”马修说。“They’ve doubled the number of dye vats, ” Matthew said.

染缸是印染行业中的关键设备之一。Dye vat is a key equipment in printing and dyeing industry.

“去染缸那儿了,”我回答,惹得海蒂戳了我一指头。“By the dye vats, ” I answered, earning a poke from Hattie.

在染缸后,他的手一整个夏天都在海蒂全身上下忙个不停。All summer behind the vats, his hands had worked over Hattie.

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但是克利福德身体一下子失去了平衡,跌进了染缸里。But then Clifford lost his balance! He tumbled into the tub of dye.

比如,在染缸中的方法可以用在将羊毛染成洋葱皮染色的过程中。The vat method, for example, can be used to dye wool with onionskins.

如果是他,就会把她的整个衣橱扔到黑色的大染缸里头去。Under his rule her entire wardrobe would be drowned in a vat of black dye.

她停在一个染缸的阴影里,让我匀一匀呼吸和脚步。She halted in the shadow of a vat, allowing me to regain my feet and breath.

而我疑心这是莱斯特一直都想做的事,疑心他一直都想淹死在染缸里。I suspected that drowning in the vat was what Lester Byttle had wanted all along.

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自从我告诉父亲关于染缸的事,这是她对我说的头一句话。These were the first words she’d said to me since I’d told Father about the vats.

上个星期,马修就在这只染缸这儿向她求了婚,我算是证人。Last week, Matthew had proposed to her here at this very vat, with me as a witness.

“在染缸那儿,”我快活地重复道,立即被戳得缩了下身子,第二指更坚决了。“By the dye vats, ” I repeated cheerily, and flinched at a second, more insistent poke.