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愿上帝保佑我们的军队和军属。May God bless our troops and their families.

我猜想在我们军属家庭中,有许多部署在外的情况被忽略了。I suppose there were so many deployments among our military families that it was overlooked.

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在国内,第一夫人和我夫人也将为军属家庭提供帮助作为最为首要事情。And here at home, the First Lady and my wife Jill have made supporting military families a priority.

在国内,第一夫人和我夫人也将为军属家庭提供帮助作为最为首要事情。And here at home, the First Lady and my wife Jill have made supporting military families a priority.

我们正在战斗的男兵女兵以及爱他们的军属家庭,是现在美国的最佳体现。Our fighting men and women – and the military families who love them – embody what is best in America.

五角大楼计划用飞机将日本的数千美国军属和平民搭载回国。The Pentagon is planning to fly home thousands of American military families and civilians from Japan.

访问JoiningForces.gov网站看看你可以用什么方式为我们国家的军人、退伍军人以及军属们服务。Go to JoiningForces. gov to see how you can serve the troops, veterans, and military families in your community.

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米歇尔和吉尔·拜登已经构造了一份国家承诺,来供养失去亲人的军属家庭。Michelle and Jill Biden have forged a national commitment to support military families while a loved one is away.

向我们的军人、军属和退伍军人们表达敬意有很多方式,人人都可以付出一份爱心。There are so many ways we can express our gratitude to our troops, their families and our veterans—everyone can do something.

我是一名现役军人,一名国防部的文职雇员,军属或退役军人。I am an active duty service member, a civilian employee of the Department of Defense, a military dependent or retired from active duty.

希望大家向这些逝去的英雄们留下的心爱的人们致敬,为他们做些力所能及的事情,照顾我们的军属家庭。We are called to honor them by doing our part for the loved ones our fallen heroes have left behind and looking after our military families.

我们将赞颂我们的部队和军属,以及在过去的十年为保持我们的安全和强大而服役的人。And we'll pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong.

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米歇尔和吉尔·拜登发起的“联合力量”项目已经帮助了近70万老兵和军属获得新工作。Joining Forces, the national campaign launched by Michelle and Jill Biden, has helped nearly 700,000 veterans and military spouses get new jobs.

如果他觉得压抑,他不能向辅导员倾诉,也不能参加自助组,甚至不能邀请另一个军属喝喝咖啡,寻求一些安慰。If this man gets depressed, he can’t call a counselor or attend a support group or even invite another military spouse over for coffee and comfort.

军队律师,是专门为其所在部队、部队官兵及军属提供法律服务,保障依法治军的专业法律工作者,具有军人和律师的双重身份。Military lawyers refer to those who service for military forces and their families to guarantee the rule of military forces by law. Military lawyers have double identities.

国会需要通过扩大GI法案来支持我们军属家庭,该法案让军人将闲置的教育救济金转给他们的配偶和孩子。Congress needs to support our military families by passing an expansion of the GI Bill that makes it easier for our troops to transfer unused education benefits to their spouses and children.

我就任总统后,他和我们共同致力于帮助为国捐躯的军属,在越战中他儿子因过多接触橙色落叶剂而致病,最后死亡。After I took office, Bud had worked with us to provide aid to the families of servicemen who, like his late son, had become ill as a result of their exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.