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丹尼星球。Planet Denny's.

爱丽亚星球的天气怎么样?Hows the weather in Ellia?

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其他星球上的复制因子?Replicators on other planets?

像塔图因星球一样的多重日落Multiple Sunsets Like Tatooine

人类发现了第一个宜居外星球?The first habitable exoplanet?

海王星是多风暴的星球。Neptune is the stormiest planet.

来自东方星球的9号计划!!!Plan 9 from Planet Oriental! ! !

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今天我们回到爱丽亚星球。We came back here to Ellia today.

一个多么上下颠倒的星球阿?!What an upside down planet, huh?!

地阿,不快乐星球出生到死亡。EARTH, unhappy planet born to die.

我坠落在一个奇怪的星球。I crash-landed on a strange planet.

是对,我打算参观温德星球。Yes, I'm going to visit Wonder Land.

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发现适于生命存在的星球了吗?Life-Supporting Planets Within Reach?

星球年夜战关于一次年夜冒险。Space War is about a great adventure.

庆祝我们这个星球的美丽。celebrating the beauty of the planet.

地球是银河系中的星球之一。Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.

阿比是联合星球的志愿者。Abbie has volunteered at United Planet.

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你一定可以让这个星球屈服于你的意志!You will bend this planet to your will!

而那位访客则飞回了自己的星球。But the visitor flew back to his planet.

我们星球上的语言多种多样,估计达六七千种。Our planet is rich in language diversity.