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对粘稠的痰液有分解作用。It can decompose the viscous sputum.

汤团充满了甜的粘稠物。The dumplings are filled with sweet goo.

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将170克糖和2只鸡蛋搅匀,致粘稠状。Whisk together 170g sugar and 2 eggs until thick.

高速搅拌,适合粘稠性质,粘性产品。High speed mixing of heavy-bodied, viscous products.

煨一下直到调料成为粘稠状。Let it simmer for a while until the sauce is thicken.

黑暗中,有什么粘稠的东西浸湿了他的手。In darkness, the thing with ropy what soaked his hand.

达内尔把这些粘稠液体加工成冷冻干粉。Darnell processes the thick liquid into a freeze-dried powder.

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一只洞穴蟋蟀被帝王毛毡苔粘稠的触须抓住了。A cave cricket is caught in the sticky clutches of a king sundew.

对痰粘稠难以咳出的病人可做雾化吸入。Sputum smears of patients can be difficult Kechu aerosol inhalation.

用它可以装所有非固体的东西,特别是粘稠的东西,比如冰激凌。Pack anything not solid in them, especially goopy stuff like sunscreen.

这种粘稠的等离子体也是冈根军备的基本原材料。The viscous plasmic material forms the basis of Gungan weaponry as well.

加拿大粘稠的沥青砂中所含的石油可与沙特阿拉伯相比。The gooey tar-sands of Canada contain almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia.

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所谓的合成轻质油更粘稠,从而更敏捷润滑。So-called synthetic light oils are thinner and thus lubricate more quickly.

高凝高粘稠油的开采,是各油田感到十分棘手的问题。The production of high visccoity oil is a knotty problem in every oilfield.

将粘稠的棕色萨考汁盛在用椰子壳做成的杯子中即可饮用。The result is a thick brown juice that is consumed from a coconut shell cup.

水溶液的粘稠性强,其粘度不受酸类及盐类的影响。The highly viscous solution, its viscosity from the impact of acid and salts.

加热,搅拌,直到芡汁一点点变粘稠起来,之后再把芡汁浇在鸡腿上。Heat, stirring, until the juices thicken a little, then pour over the chicken.

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松油树指松腊和易挥发的油的粘稠的混和物。The sticky mixture of resin and volatile oil from which turpentine is distilled.

做汤时放些芡粉会使汤变得粘稠。The soup becomes thick and sticky when mixed with powder of Gorgon Euryale seeds.

当LDL被氧化后变得粘稠,机体内更可能形成斑块。When LDL is oxidized it becomes stickier and therefore more likely to form plaque.