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如今他们离队史上第一枚奥运金牌已经不远了。Now they are after a first Olympic medal.

那个士兵未请假离队3个星期。The soldier absented himself without leave for three weeks.

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那个士兵未请假离队三个星期。The soldier absented himself without leave for three weeks.

其他球员或是退休或是离队,而我还继续保持着这个号码。All the guys retired or left, and I’m still carrying the number.

我真应该在舒梅切尔离队之后就马上签他,我确实犯了错误。I should have signed van der Sar after Schmeichel. I made a mistake.

但不幸的时候,我们暂时都不能进一步提高,因为球员们现在都离队了。Unfortunately now we cannot work on it because all the players go away.

去年他是副队长,今年法布雷加斯离队后他就接过了队长的袖标。He was vice captain last year and was then captain while Fabregas was out.

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如果基恩离队,哈里会想再签一名前锋。And if Robbie Keane departs, Harry Redknapp will hope to sign a striker, too.

更观光行程、餐食及酒店之权利。如有离队放弃参观行程,恕不退费。If you are unable to participate or complete a tour, no refund will be given.

然后,科博利。吉利又回到了2006年闹剧门事件后伊布拉离队的话题上。Cobolli Gigli then returned to discussing the departure of Ibrahimovic in 2006.

爱尔兰和西德威尔眼看着马上就要离队了,所以必须要尽快找到顶替的人选。Stephen Ireland and Steve Sidwell both look set to go so a replacement is a must.

但至今为止,双方还没有开始新合同的谈判,意大利人很可能在明夏离队。So far there has been no talk of a new deal, and a summer exit looks on the cards.

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利物浦教练担心夏季失去队中门将雷纳。世界新闻报道称国王正为雷纳可能的离队做准备。The News of the World says he is lining up a replacement should Reina decide to leave.

我最喜欢尼基和尚恩。布莱恩也很好,可惜他离队了。I like Nicky and Shane most. Bryan is quite good, but what a pity that he left the group!

在乌伊法鲁西和里维拉尼宣布宣布赛后离队后,另一个离队者基本上可以是维埃里。After the good-by announced of Ujfalusi and Fabio Liverani, seems sure also the one of Bobo Vieri.

舆论认为他会允许纳斯里或者法布雷加斯离队,但前提是价钱合适。The suspicion is that he could allow either Nasri or Fàbregas to leave but only at the right price.

早在2006年斑马军团降入乙级时,这家法甲球队曾追求过这名卡莫拉内西,而且球员本人也曾要求离队。When Juventus were relegated in 2006, the French outfit came in for Camoranesi and he wanted to go.

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特维斯的到来将让史密斯更可能离队。The arrival of Tévez could hasten the sale of Alan Smith, who has been made surplus to requirements.

图雷和阿德巴约离队时,距离转会窗结束尚有一个多月,温格有的是时间。There was plenty of time to act since they left Arsenal when over a month of the transfer window remained.

这一灾难就是超级球星德维恩·韦德的受伤和“大鲨鱼”的离队。This disaster is super star player Germany Verne · Wedd's being injured with "the shark" leaving the ranks.