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使徒著述才是他们的考虑标准。Apostolic authorship was one thing they talk about.

简述刘子翠的生平与著述。A brief account of Liu Zihui's life story and writings.

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他的著述给我们留下了杰出、高尚的楷模让我们效仿。His writings set fine and noble examples for us to follow.

显而易见,讲述故事在历史著述中占有相当大的一部分。Clearly storytelling is a big part of how history is written.

关于洁食律法的著述可谓卷帙浩繁,其中许多成书于两千多年前。Many of these books date back as far as two thousand years ago.

第六部分,论述了张志乐来到延安之后的最终结局及其著述情况。Part six deals with Zhang Zhile's death in Yan'an and his writings.

他一生著述如林,而尤以史学著述为多。In his life he wrote a lot of works, especially the historical works.

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是否应当更多地以法语进行科学著述和研究呢?Should more scientific writing and studies be in the French language?

至于学术界中专门研究贿赂犯罪罪种体系的著述和学术论文更是寥若晨星。There are few monographs about the system of the crime types of bribery.

由此看来,虽然科斯著述不丰,但功绩其伟。Thus, although Coase's writings was not a rich, but the merit of Qi-wei.

两佚札对研究袁枚生平、著述、交友诸方面颇有价值。The letters are of great value for the study of Yuan's life and writings.

关于创新公司及它们之间的区别已经有很多著述。Much has been written about innovative companies and what sets them apart.

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由于种种原因,他的许多著述未能刊刻流传。Owing to a lot of reasons, his many works were not printed and handed down.

对学术界的科学家来说,著述是他们的生命。For scientists in academia, publications are the lifeblood of their careers.

他们可能出于评论和批评需要而摘录别人的著述。And they may excerpt others’ work for the purpose of commentary and criticism.

但柏拉图的著述却是关于它曾经存在的唯一可知的记录。But Plato's writings about Atlantis are the only known records of its existence.

他后半生的苦行僧生活及弘法著述活动,应是他出家之谜最好的答案。Hieratic life and writing experience best answer his enigma of renouncing the family.

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维特根斯坦在其著述中,没有一处提到过笛卡儿。In Wittgenstein's works, there is not a single work which does not mention Descartes.

加之,我取得博士学位也已经有6个年头了,而我在技术方面的著述还是零纪录。It had also been 6 years since finishing my Ph.D. and I had done no technical writing.

在这些著述中,福柯用系谱学的方法对权力作了明快而独特的分析。In these works, Foucault gave concise but unique analysis to power in a genealogical way.