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雪片霏霏地下着。Snow was falling in flakes.

抗议书像雪片似的飞来。Written protests poured in.

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雪片装点得树木银光灿灿。Snow flakes tinseled the trees.

这些毛像雪片似的乱飞。The down is flying about like snow.

陡然间,落起大块的雪片来了。Suddenly, falling up chunks of snow comes.

来信雪片般地飞到了编辑部。The letters snowed to the editorial department.

樱桃梨树共争艳,四处飞花如雪片。The cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around.

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大风把雪片刮到小屋旁边堆积起来。The snowflakes were driven against the hut by a gale.

他感到有些雪片溜进大衣,透过衬衫。He felt some of the snow slide in, penetrate his shirt.

疏疏雪片,散入溪南苑。Sparsely flakes, scattered into the River South Garden.

那些雪片一样飞来的卡片和邮件真的给了他很大的支持。The outpouring of cards and emails really sustained him.

申请信件像雪片似地向他们飞来。Letters of application descended on them like snowflakes.

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留下了三生三世的伤痛。花开花落,风吹雪片似思念。Left III wounds. The flowers bloom, the wind like flakes of miss.

薄脆饼——天使之饼——就像麦色的雪片在舌尖融化。Oplatki—Angel Bread—melted like a wheaty snowflake on the tongue.

突然吹来一阵大风,把又凉又湿的雪片,打在乔·佩特罗尼的脸上。A sudden gust of wind slapped ivy wet snow into Joe Patronis face.

雪不停地下着,鹅毛似的雪片随风飘舞。The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers.

十月的下午如此寂静,他能听到雪片飘落的声音。The waning October afternoon is so hushed, he can hear snowflakes alight.

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你的个人的能量矩阵像一个雪片-没有两个是完全的相似。Your individual energy matrix is like a snowflake — no two are exactly alike.

每片水晶般的雪片都是大自然的杰作,绝不单调重复。Every crystal was a masterpiece of design and no one design was ever repeated.

请战书像雪片似地飞向指挥部。Headquarters was swamped by an avalanche of applications for battle assignments.