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她站起身,直愣愣地看着他,眼睛瞪得圆圆的。She rose to her feet and gazed upon him, round-eyed.

我躺在床上直愣愣地盯着屋里黑的墙壁。I laid up in bed and stared at the black walls a my house.

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在最近一次我买鞋的时候,女售货员跟我说我的脚有39码,我直愣愣的看着她。Well, the last time I bought a pair of shoes, the lady said I was a 39.

他的双眼直愣愣地看着前方,他的母亲被淹没在那双茫然没有表情的眼睛里。His eyes were focused straight out and his mother drowned in those vacant eyes.

刀锋怒气冲头,直愣愣冲出门外与战士们生抢硬夺。Anger punch, steady blade with soldiers rushed out of the door born rob hard away.

克莱德就这么给甩在这儿了,弄不明白什么意思,两眼直愣愣地想呀想呀。Clyde, left alone in this fashion, and not knowing just what it meant, stared, wondering.

当你等候列车的时候,只能直愣愣地对着一面白墙,或者只能阅读铁路运输细则,你会喜欢吗?Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway bye-laws while waiting for a train?

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那个小姑娘简直就是想要吃掉我,眼睛冷冰冰、直愣愣的,脸上没有一丝表情。The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes, and no expression to her face whatever.

那束鲜花正在枯萎!乔万尼双眼直愣愣地盯着镜中的自己,脸色变得煞白。The flowers were turning brown! Giovannis face became very white as he stared at himself in the mirror.

不过也有的人会模仿孩子般无辜的眼神,睁大眼睛,直愣愣地盯着你看。Or people will replicate the innocence of childhood and widen their eyes whilst looking straight at you.

博物馆中的研究人员也对这直愣愣盯着鲨鱼看的“男人面孔”感到困惑。Boffins at the aquarium admit they are baffled by the appearance of the man's face, which appears to be gawping up at a shark.