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是打枪的时候吗?Hits gun's time?

马鞭抽打的声音好比打枪的声音一样响。A cracking whip can sound as loud as a gunshot.

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嫉妒是最快最可能被打枪的一种。Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get dumped.

“莫雷尔,”伯爵说,“从来没有见过我打枪吧?”"Morrel, " said the count, "have you ever seen me fire a pistol?

你玩得不错,以后可以跟你孙女一块打枪了。You play good, since one can fire a gun with you a granddaughter.

我在船上只专心打枪,玩得真开心!I just concentrate on fire a gun on board, played with really fun!

很快,前线某些阵地的国民党士兵就不再打枪了。Pretty soon, at scattered places along the front, the rifles ceased firing.

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你不认为放焰火比往天上打枪更好吗?Don't you think setting fireworks is better than shooting guns into the air?

带着打枪的人也消失了,或者至少已经被赶到了地下。Still, the men with the big guns are gone, or at least have been driven underground.

他在战斗中的动作如同在梦里一样,看起来好象是一个鬼魂在打枪。In battle he was as in a dream. One would have pronounced him a phantom engaged in firing a gun.

他是费城的律师,但他打官司远不及打枪出名。He was a barrister of Philadelphia, but became far more renowned by his gun than by his law cases.

现在,大多数赌场连烟都不让抽,更别提让人拳打枪射来获取“战利品”了。These days most casinos will not even let you smoke, much less punch or shoot your way to a prize.

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一伙人决定去打枪银行,当他们打开所有的银库时却没发现任何的现金,只看到一杯又一杯的酸奶酪,于是他们把所有的酸奶酪全吃光了。A gang decided to rob a bank, they opened every vault and found no money, only cups of yogurt. they ate all yogurt.

一旁还有射飞镖、打枪、射靶的小游戏,有坐着热气球感受升空的项目,还有划船、多人自行车,哦!There are darts side, fire a gun, shooting target game, a hot air balloon experience sitting off the project, as well as rowing, cycling more than, oh!

是的是的,我也认为每个男人都应该拥有一个包括射打枪,冷钢多用刀和博世冲击钻在内的专业工具箱。Yes, fo course. I too believe every man should have a professional tool box which contains a nial gun, a multi-fuction cold steel knife , and a Bosch impulse drill.

他们心目中所关注的事,就是种好棉花,骑马匹得好,打枪打得准,跳舞跳得轻快,善于体面地追逐女人,像个温文尔雅的绅士喝酒。And raising good cotton, riding well, shooting straight, dancing lightly, squiring the ladies with elegance and carrying one’s liquor like a gentleman were the things that mattered.