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因为招兵,我完成了学业。Although drafted, I finished the school year.

招兵人员现在甚至在名牌大学也受到欢迎。I hear those Ivy League Colleges are tough to get into.

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部队来学校招兵,细妹入选,莉莉却落选。Troops to school recruiting, fine sister, lily but was rejected.

皇协军以银元和食物做诱饵大肆招兵。Huang association army with silver and food do bait aggressively recruiting.

在总兵府前,有两棵榕树,左边一棵为“郑成功招兵树“。Zong Bing in the House, before the two banyan tree, left a "Zheng Chenggong recruitment tree."

我现在在想要不要去当兵,去年招兵的时候我就想去了,可惜错过了时间!I do not want to go to the army in the last year, when I want to go to recruitment, and unfortunately missed the time!

美国纽约市当局说,一个小型爆炸装置在纽约市时代广场区一个美国军队招兵站附近被引爆。City officials say the small explosion happened shortly before four in the morning local time, causing some damage to a small kiosk used by the U.

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美国纽约市当局说,一个小型爆炸装置在纽约市时代广场区一个美国军队招兵站附近被引爆。Authorities in New York City say a small explosive device detonated near a U.S. military recruiting station in the Times Square district of the city.

代巴基斯坦军营的招兵已经要开始了,但是只是数量上够并不能保证这个核心团体的成功与否,至少在短时间内是这样的。The recruits were coming to the makeshift Pakistani camps but only in enough numbers to assure the core group's survival not its success, at least not in the short term.

根据法庭文件指控,马丁内斯企图引爆一辆装满炸药的汽车,炸毁马里兰州巴尔的摩卡顿斯维尔的一家军队招兵站。Allegations according to court documents, Martinez detonated an explosives-laden attempt to cars, blow up Baltimore, Catonsville, Maryland, one of the military recruiting station.

美国纽约市当局说,一个小型爆炸装置在纽约市时代广场区一个美国军队招兵站附近被引爆。City officials say the small explosion happened shortly before four in the morning local time, causing some damage to a small kiosk used by the U. S. military as a recruiting office, but no injuries.