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余若薇议员就室内空气质素提出质询。Hon Audrey EU raised a question on indoor air quality.

卟菅咋样,这种质询法媞苡啥方式影响到当偂?In what ways is such questioning relevant today anyway?

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对交互式质询来说,因数分解足以胜任。Factorization works well enough for interactive challenges.

布拉斯特质询消灭幽门螺旋杆菌是否是个好主意。Blaser questions whether eliminating H. pylori is a good idea.

第二部分是国外质询制度的比较研究。Part two. Comparatively study of the interpellation system abroad.

要么这次质询彻底被搞砸了,要么就是有人故意隐瞒些什么。The inquiry was horribly botched, or there was a deliberate coverup.

丰田章男还将面对丰田与监管机构关系的质询。He will also face questioning on Toyota’s relationship with regulators.

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中央情报局引火上身—中情局局长正因新闻泄密问题接受质询。The CIA is drawing fire as its director is questioned over press leaks.

没有什么比公开质询更能让人们站在你这一边。There is nothing like a public flogging to get the people on your side.

可以生成一个随机资源来作为这个保护屏幕的质询。A random resource could be issued as the challenge on this guardian screen.

赛前质询已经像赛后药检一样是家常便饭了。The pre-race inquiries have become as routine as the postrace drug screens.

而这一过程中迸发出的质询和调查让尼斯贝特开始重新审视自己早先的观点,并最终成就了本书的研究、创作和出版。This ultimately lead to the research, writing and publication of this book.

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第四部分是我国质询制度的改革完善。It is the revolution and consummation of interpellation system in our country.

陈生被剥夺了总桶豁免权,面临贪污质询。Mr Chen, divested of presidential immunity, now faces a corruption investigation.

多年来,我已经收到很多关于12宫的质询,比其他任何一宫都要多。Over the years, I've received more inquiries about the 12th than any other house.

印度军方已经成立质询法庭调查此事。The Indian military has been set up to investigate the matter the court question.

这是在马克思主义者已经习惯于应对的一个嘲讽的质询。This is the kind of sardonicinquiry that Marxists have grown used to dealing with.

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作业展示出质询之范畴和讨论复杂性之间适合的相互影响。The work shows a suitable interplay of scope of inquiry and intricacy of discussion.

余若薇议员就职业英语培训资助计划提出质询。Hon Audrey EU raised a question on the Funding Scheme for Workplace English Training.

但是菅直人在回答议员质询时称其对此事完全不知。However, Naoto Kan answer questions when called in on the matter fully I do not know.