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我正式皈依。I'm officially a convert.

直到犹太人全都皈依。Till the Conversion of the Jews.

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你是在演讲厅里皈依尼采学说的吗?Were you converted in a lecture-room?

一根银针,让那信念有了皈依。One by one, needles makes faith return.

若您已皈依也能把海清穿上。If you have Hai Qing, you can use it too.

三皈依的第一条,在巴利文如何拼读?How do you recite the first refuge in Pali?

三皈依的第三条,在巴利文如何表示?How do you recite the third refuge in Pali?

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三皈依的第二条,在巴利文如何表示?How do you recite the second refuge in Pali?

皈依三宝的人是佛教徒或称佛弟子。The refuge in the buddhist or says buddhists.

我丈夫是基督徒,我也准备皈依基督教。My husband is a Christian and I’m going to turn.

这位生活艰难的亚利桑那男孩为什么皈依伊斯兰教?Why had this hard-living Arizona boy embraced Islam?

他就是我们皈依的老师――释迦摩尼佛。He is the Buddha that we have accepted as our teacher.

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让我自我的返回成为向他立地的皈依。And let my return to myself be immediate return to him.

若参加三皈依,请注明日期。Check mark the date you plan to take the Three Refuges.

疯狂英语的创始人李阳皈依了佛门。Crazy English founder Li Yang has converted to Buddhism.

因此,不应把罗斯人的皈依看成是一个非常突然的事情。Thus, one should not view the conversion as a sudden event.

每一次转变都是向生活实践的进一步皈依。Each of these changes brought him closer to life and practice.

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学者们就弥源太是否皈依进行过辩论。Scholars have debated whether or not Yagenta became a convert.

一个14岁的小男孩,经历宗教皈依的过程。A young man who's 14 years old undergoes conversion experience.

除了皈依佛教,他还练起了太极。Apart form being converted to Buddhism, he also practices Taiji.