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这支部队长驱直入,攻下了许多敌军军营。The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.

这支部队长驱直入,攻下了许多敌军军营。The army fought its way down and captured many enemy camps.

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代替的是,寒冷的北极冷空气长驱直入进入欧洲北部上空。Instead, frigid Arctic air has descended upon much of northern Europe.

午餐后他们长驱直入到教堂内,再听取导游的另一次讲座。After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture.

香港没有这种天然的保护来阻挡好莱坞影片长驱直入。Hong Kong has no such natural protection from a flood of Hollywood production.

1644年,一位农民起义领导人带领义军长驱直入攻占了北京。In 1644, a peasant rebel leader marched into the capital and captured Beijing.

现在坦克已经允许长驱直入到啄木鸟的家园附近。Tanks are now allowed to drive right up next to some of the woodpecker colonies.

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一块失效的命石让赤红之风长驱直入,三千人在夜影镇失去了生命。Three thousand died in the town of Nightshade when a lifestone let in the red wind.

在第四节,他长驱直入,隔着加内特在篮筐上暴扣。In the fourth quarter he routinely posted up and burst past Kevin Garnett to finish at the rim.

到了霸上和棘门的军营,长驱直入,将军及其属下都骑着马迎送。To bully and spines door's camp, however, general and its subordinate to send all of them on horseback.

然而,她凭借钢铁意志继续长驱直入,她说,哪怕死在这上面,她也要攥着股,让它再涨五个点。But she set her iron will and lashed it amidships, and said she would hold on for five points more if she died for it.

这场胜利以后,他没有对手,长驱直入,远至地中海,向腓尼基索取贡品。Following this victory, he advanced without opposition as far as the Mediterranean and exacted tribute from Phoenicia.

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亚历山大派遣方阵,长驱直入波斯军阵列的中央。With the Macedonian cavalry engaged on both flanks, Alexander sends his phalanxes straight into the center of the Persian lines.

政府办公楼周围都是对公众开放的,这也是为什么带着炸弹的灰色货车可以长驱直入的开到办公楼门口。The gray van carrying the bomb could drive right up to the entrance of the government offices, as they are never cordoned off from the public.

然而,格兰特相信自己和他的军队,他认为他有能力迫使南方军撤离肯塔基和田纳西,然后他将长驱直入进入到南方的腹地密西西比州。Grant, however, had faith in himself and his men. He believed he could force Confederate soldiers to withdraw from both Kentucky and Tennessee.

2009年1月23日清晨,一场声势浩大的飓风袭击了法国,这场10年中威力最猛的风暴从比斯凯湾咆哮着长驱直入。In the early morning of 23 January 2009, the most powerful hurricane-force storm to hit France in a decade came howling in from the Bay of Biscay.

印度担心,假如中国入侵印度——就像近50年前那样——印度的公路、铁路和机场等将有利于中国军队长驱直入。India feared that roads, railways and airports would help the Chinese penetrate deep into India should they invade, as they did almost 50 years ago.

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第70分钟,埃托奥过了特里,开始长驱直入,在闪过阿莱士后,射门被切赫挡出。Eto'o beat John Terry to run free from half-way in the 70th minute and, after he had evaded Alex, it was the right boot of Cech that kept his finish out of the net.

波斯陆军继续长驱直入,雅典采取坚壁清野的战术,将所有雅典人和物资撤出雅典城。Persian ground force continues driving straight in, Athens adopts the tactics of strengthening defence work, withdraws from all people and goods and materials in Athens Athens.

取代这一切的,至少点几下鼠标,就可长驱直入,想要的文章或者别的什么读者所不知道的东西——“长篇大论”能在网页上直接就读。Instead, a few clicks of a mouse can bring forth the desired papers and maybe others that the reader did not know of—the "long tail" of information that the web makes available.