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这些结果为发展低覆盖度行带式配置的固沙林提供重要的科学依据。This study provided scientific basis for developing low cover and belt scheme shrub plantations for sand-fixation.

防风固沙林体系的建设应突出天然植被的封育管护。Priority should be given to the natural vegetation restoration through enclosure when establishing windbreak system here.

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滨海沙荒有的淹没农田和村庄,危害严重,种植防风固沙林带收到一定效果。Binhai sandy waste, some of farmland flooded and villages, and cause serious harm planting sand-fixing forest received some success.

另外,对人工固沙林长时间段的试验结果缺乏研究总结,是试验结论不太可靠的重要原因。In addition, the conclusion of artificial sand fixing vegetation researching missing long period investigation and analysis is doubtful.

病虫害和荒漠化使固沙林鸟类群落与荒漠鸟类群落的相似性较高。Plant disease and desertification caused that the similarity between fixing sand forest bird community and desert bird community was higher.

辽宁省章古台固沙林经过经营疏伐与块状采伐以后,通风透光条件改善,促进了天然下种更新。Natural seeding and regeneration were accelerated by thinning and massive cutting on fixing sand forest in Zhanggutai region in Liaoning province.

根据沙丘风沙流运移规律,控制流动沙丘的风蚀、促进沙埋是提高流动沙地沙柳固沙林的关键。According to the moving regular pattern of sandy dune, control of wind erosion of moving dune is key to increase sand fixation forest of Salix psammophila C.

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指出径流集水营造固沙林是天山北麓生态、经济两效俱佳的成功措施,但在实施前,应选择好下伏沙土的平坦地,确保径流集水的渗润效应。It indicated that planting sand-break forest by runoff catchment method is successful measurement for ecology and economy in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain.

对利用人工坡降和自然坡降两种径流集水方法营造的梭梭固沙林,进行了土壤水分状况和林木生长状况的研究。This paper studied the soil moisture state and forest growing state of Haloxylon ammodendron sand-break forests planted by artificial and natural runoff catchment methods.

沙地樟子松人工固沙林的天然更新在大部分引种地不能很好地进行,其天然更新存在着某些障碍因子。The natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation in sandy land couldn't be accomplished well in many introduction area, which have some barriers unknown.

根据沙丘风沙流运移规律,控制流动沙丘的风蚀、促进沙埋是提高流动沙地沙柳固沙林的关键。According to the moving regular pattern of sandy dune, control of wind erosion of moving dune is key to increase sand fixation forest of Salix psammophila C. Wang et Ch Y. Yang in moving sandy dune.