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或者在韦利旺卡的巧克力工厂获得一份令人羡慕的工作?Or work at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory?

这些人是令人羡慕的Those people are the envy of many other people.

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他的艺术才能使他赢得了令人羡慕的声誉。He acquired an enviable reputation for artistic ability.

我从不具有令人羡慕的殖民地特性-诙谐的幽默。I never acquired that admirable colonial quality-good humour.

我们是令人羡慕的好同学,好朋友,好的似姊妹。We are an enviable good students, good friends, good like sisters.

这些新头儿们将拥有学术界中最令人羡慕的工作。The newcomers will have some of the most enviable jobs in academia.

孩子们正在练习令人羡慕的少林功夫和剑舞。Here are girls and boys practicing the much admired "shaolin" and sword dance.

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在汉旺,东方汽轮机厂的工人是很令人羡慕的。In Hanwang, there was a saying that it was enviable to be a worker ofDongfang.

另外,它给蟑螂那令人羡慕的忍耐力提供了一个更好的证明。Plus, it provides just one more testament to the cockroach's enviable endurance.

再没有比坐在写作生活中令人羡慕的外表周围更鼓舞人心的事了。There’s no more incentive to sit around admiring the externals of the writing life.

对于自己那令人羡慕的深褐色靓丽肌肤,多才多艺的赛琳娜戈麦斯并非从小就充满自信。The multi-talented Selena Gomez wasn't always so confident about her stunning brunet looks.

游戏有快速模式和职业模式,赶快来参加最令人羡慕的板球冠军杯赛吧!The hottest game of the season is a must play along with Quick game & Tournament game modes.

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他是一位令人羡慕的富商和家族企业的继承人。He was a successful businessman and future inheritor to the family firm's substantial wealth.

过多的储蓄可能看起来是个令人羡慕的问题,但它不太可能有太多的好事。Too much saving may seem like an enviable problem, but there can be too much of a good thing.

假如我们在阅读时,能排除一切这类先入之见,那将是令人羡慕的良好开端。If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning.

从10岁开始模特生涯起,阿曼达·塞弗里德就一直拥有一头令人羡慕嫉妒恨的金发。Since she started modeling at age 10, Amanda Seyfried has maintained an enviably long blond mane.

作为父母,我们假装无论何时何事都是圆圆满满、令人羡慕,到底想得到什么?What do we as parents gain trying to pretend that everything is wonderful and peachy all the time?

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游戏有快速模式和职业模式,赶快来参加最令人羡慕的板球冠军杯赛吧!打出一个世界一流的成绩。The game features mini world cup tournament edition with 8 teams competing for the Champions trophy.

他想到,劳伦斯·莱弗茨就是一个彻底实现了这一令人羡慕的理想的丈夫。Lawrence Lefferts occurred to him as the husband who had most completely realised this enviable ideal.

我们拥有令人羡慕的业绩,在为大面积土地拥有者提供土地和水资产环保管理方面,成绩卓著。We have an enviable record of the environmental management of land and water assets for major landholders.