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在耶利内克手中,文学体裁的樊篱消失了。Literary genres pale to disappearance under Jelinek's hand.

但是,技术和不断变化的市场打破了种种樊篱。But technology and changing markets have broken down barriers.

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我希望我们的樊篱,迎刃而摔下车底下自己的体重。I hope the fences we mended fall down beneath their own weight.

如果你爬起来的次数多过跌倒的次数,你就能走过樊篱。If you get up one more time than you fall you will make it through.

这些放射出的气流构成一讲樊篱,禁止空气从气箱劳出。These air jets create a wall that keeps the air from escaping from the chamber.

你很可能被那些樊篱夹扁的,被挤到四处乱跑的。You could actually get squeezed in by these hedges and you could be chased around.

我渴望挣脱牢笼,打碎那自我束缚的樊篱,走进生活的沙漠。Itching to break free, I broke down those bars and stepped out into the desert of life.

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在我失明初期,我把自己紧锁在自悲自怜的樊篱里。When my blindness set in, I initially locked myself in a cage of self-pity and bitterness.

由此,这次选举打碎了美国社会历史上最敏感、持续最久的樊篱。Thus, the election shattered the most sensitive and enduring of barriers in America's social history.

他对该解释的研究跨越了种族偏见与贫困的樊篱,而把焦点放在了所谓自我挫败文化的角色上。His search for explanations extends beyond racism and poverty to contemplate the role of a self-defeating culture.

后退一步看一看囚禁自己的牢笼吧。深吸一口气,打破这樊篱,在新生活中重生。Step back and peek at what bars limit you. Take a deep breath, break them down, and emerge into the freshness of a new life!

超人的理念是不断的创造自我,这是“新”勇气,它不断地打破旧的阻碍人超越性前进的樊篱。That is to say we should non-stop "renew" ourselves bravely, and break out the ideas against our transcending determinately.

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他说,显然,在他和奥巴马之间,存在着一道有关增税和福利权益问题上的樊篱。" He said it is evident that "barriers" remain between himself and the president over tax increases and entitlement programs.

我们大大都人天天都要涂大量的乳液,可是我们并不知道什么会通过皮肤的樊篱,接收进我们的身体。Most of us slather on oceans of lotions every day, but we don't think about what might be passing the skin barrier and being absorbed into our bodies.

现在我们有理由重新洗牌,大胆深入“稗史”、拆除樊篱、打破圈圈、大胆触摸和赏识“各类花草”。At present, we have reasons to shuffle again, go deep into unofficial history, eliminate hedge, break circles, tough and appreciate all kinds of flowers.

本文跳出了文本的樊篱,以战国时谋臣策士的进谏策略为切入点,进行了深入的分析。This thesis deeply analyses the advising strategy of brain trusters and schemers in Warring States Period as an entrance out of the restriction of the text.

近代德国政治哲学则突破了个人主义国家观的樊篱,促使整体主义国家观念的回归。Modern German political philosophy broke through the barrier of the individualistic concept of state and prompted to go back to the holistic concept of state.

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我也要大家向自己的人际界限挑战,跨越使我们看不到对方长处的种族、地域、性别和宗教樊篱。And I want us to push our ownhuman boundaries to reach beyond the divides of race and region, gender and religion that keep us from seeing the best in eachother.

再造健康的股市生态,我们就必须正本清源,突破传统发展观的樊篱,用科学发展观的观点认识和解决股市中的各种问题和矛盾。In order to rebuild healthy stock ecology, we need to change traditional view of development and solve the problems in stock market with scientific development concept.

技术上的问题都突破了,而人生漫长无尽,为什麽不打破一切樊篱,让人真正的无拘无束、自由自在呢?All the technical problems have been solved. However, life is long and infinite. Why not break through hindering traditions and let people be free, without any restraint?