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至少我们平日是这样说的。At least, this is said in conversation.

平日我到一家游泳池冲澡。I shower at the swimming pool on weekdays.

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你和痴迷“核平日本”的论调又来了。You and the "nuked Japan" obsession again.

珍惜平日里的一分一秒,有志者,事竟成。Cherish everyday minutes, aspirants, a way.

像平日里谈话那样书写,把自己的名字也放上去。Write like you talk and put your name on it.

死往的狐狸平日都是张着嘴的。The mouth of a dieing fox is make sure to open.

平日忙里又忙外,为我分忧解心烦。On weekdays in the busy and busy, for I through.

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还有元旦节、和平日和地球日。There is New Year's Day, Peace Day, and Earth Day.

他平日里是一个语言学家,而他写起东西来就如同拉丁语词源词典一样。He wrote things like a Dictionary of Latin Etymology.

难道说我在平日工作中经常抱怨么?Could it be said that I always complained in workdays?

我一时牢骚满腹,把平日里积聚的郁闷向母亲倾诉。I have, ferial in the build-up to the depressed mothers.

警方说奥维宁来自图苏拉,平日独来独往。Police said Auvinen is from Tuusula and who acted alone.

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平日要么我爸爸要么我妈妈作饭。Neither my father nor my mother cooks dinner on weekdays.

平日是朝九晚五,周末则是早上九时至下午一时。From nine to five on weekdays and nine to one on the weekend.

你平日的老师生病时,就会有代理的代课老师。Substitute teachers fill in when your regular teacher is sick.

而且它又能让你拥有比平日更好的身材。and it keeps you in better shape than you would ordinarily be.

身为影后的她,平日又是如何打理宝贝秀发的?As her after the shadow, ferial how be to do baby show to send?

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平日里晚上要避免过度饮酒和吸烟。Avoid over-indulgence in drinking and smoking on weekday nights.

第一是薪水,足够能生活和平日的开销。First of all, the salary must meet my needs for daily spendings.

平日我就能听到一些音乐一直持续到凌晨一点钟。I could hear the music that last until about 1a. m. on weekdays.