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鹳,鹭鸶与其类,戴胜与蝙蝠。the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.

美丽的野鸭在湖中安憩,巨大的鹭鸶在觅食。rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

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如果她想的话,鹭鸶儿本来可以成为很多种人的。There were many things Ruthie could have been if she wanted to.

大叶吊兰和鹭鸶兰的核型研究。Karyotype study on Chlorophytum malayense and Diuranthera major.

我家夫人有一只跛脚的温驯鹭鸶。我家夫人有一只跛脚的鹭鸶。My dame hath a lame tame crane. My dame hath a crane that is lame.

像秃鹰、游隼、鹭鸶这样的鸟类几乎消失殆尽。Species like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and osprey nearly disappeared.

鹭鸶趁机偷袭割稻机惊动的虫子,同时间,燕子也飞著猎食。Egrets stalk insects flushed by the harvesters, while swallows hunt on the wing.

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1974年,我看到一只雪白的鹭鸶在旧金山蒂布伦附近的理查森海湾上向西飞翔。I caught this snowy egret heading west over Richardson's Bay near Tiburon, California, in 1974.

在这里,还可以看到自然生态环境中的小蓝企鹅和斯图尔特岛鹭鸶。The Little Blue Penguin and the Stewart Island Shag can also be seen here in their natural environment.

书很棒,鹭鸶儿说,然后就用手抚摸起来,似乎她可以像读布莱叶盲文一样地去读它们。Books are wonderful, Ruthie says, and then she runs her hand over them as if she could read them in Braille.

最后,鹭鸶同意试试看,他让狼张大嘴,然后将长长的脖子伸进狼的喉咙,用尖嘴叼出骨头。At last the crane agreed to try. It told the wolf to open his mouth, and then put its long neck down the wolf’s throat.

这地儿还是一个鹭鸶捕鱼的传统区域,渔夫训练小鸟儿给他们捉鱼。This area is also one of the traditional areas of Cormorant fishing, where the fishermen train birds to catch fish for them.

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披头士、玛丽莲·梦露……后来有人认为我们稍稍改变一下,如果我们假装自己是宾尼先生、或者他的妻子布兰卡,或者鹭鸶儿,或者别的我们认识的人,游戏会好玩点。But then somebody thought it"d be better if we changed the game a little, if we pretended we were Mr. Benny, or his wife Blanca, or Ruthie, or anybody we knew.

他看到鹭鸶,请他帮忙把卡在喉咙里的骨头取出来,并允诺会给报酬。鹭鸶把他的头伸进狼的嘴巴里,用嘴巴把骨头叼出来,因此问狼要报酬。He met Lusi, asked him to talk about the remuneration of bone removed, Lusi their first Shenjin wolf's throat, Diao to the bone, so the wolf to be a good gratuity.

这里湖水清澈,水草丰美,成群的细鳞鱼和无鳞鱼在湖中游来游去,夏季,湖边浅滩和湖中的岩岛上,飞舞着成群的野鸭、鱼鸥和鹭鸶。With clear water and fine watersheds, the lake nurtures numerous fishes. In the summer, groups of wild duck, seagull and egret can be found on shoals and islands in the lake.

检测显示,鹭鸶“繁荣”的数目量度——雄鸟为吸引雌鸟而发出的鸣叫——从去年的创纪录的82只雄鸟长到了今年的87只雄鸟。Monitoring revealed that the number of bitterns 'booming' – the loud call made by male birds to attract a mate – reached 87 this year, up from the previous record of 82 males heard last year