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熊妹妹的存钱罐满满当当的。Sister’s piggy bank is full.

我们这儿的课都排的满满当当,”他说。Ours are full to the gunnels, " he said.

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让你的日程表排得别那么满满当当,留给自己一些喘息的空间。Allow some breathing room in your schedule.

我为他满满当当斟了一杯酒。I've fully brimmed a glass with wine for him.

晚饭时她吃了两大碗满满当当的肉酱宽面条。At supper she had two huge plates full of lasagna.

到了夏天的时候,我们的婚礼计划就满满当当的了。As we head into summer, wedding plans kick into full gear.

通讯测试、卫生打扫和油漆工作则让值班剩下的几个小时也变得满满当当。Communication tests, cleaning and painting helped fill the long hours.

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我们的赛事和活动日程表一年到头都是满满当当的。Our events and happenings calendar is ' chock-a-block ' all year round.

结果我以前的那些学生把会议室给撑了个满满当当。A large number of my former students showed up, a full room of former students.

比起将一个星期的时间塞得满满当当,每天花十分钟的效果会更好。Ten minutes a day is better than full-on for a week and then nothing after that.

问题只是在于,在我们已经排得满满当当的人生里,怎么给友谊安排一个位置呢?The problem seems to be how to fit our friends into an already overcrowded life.

1984年8月,海布里客队球迷看台满满当当身着蓝衫的球迷面前,迪克森攻入扳平一球。Dixon's equalising goal in front of a packed, blue shirted Clock End at Highbury, August 1984.

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人民吃的好了,货架上的商品满满当当,琳琅满目,什么样的商品或多或少都有点。People eat good, the bars are full and popping, every consumer good is more or less available.

蓓蒂双手捧着满满当当的书,步履不稳地走上门廊的台阶,问道,“我把书放在哪儿呢?”“Where shall I put them?” Betty asked, staggering with armfuls of them up the steps of the porch.

台下设了现场的选民登记等服务,两层的酒吧坐得满满当当。At the scene, a voter registration service was provided, and the two-story bar was packed with people.

宾克徒步上路了,他背着一个装得满满当当的背包,身上挎一把锋利的猎刀,手执一根自家削制的木棒。Bink set off on foot, wearing a stuffed knapsack and bearing a good hunting knife and a home-cut staff.

格子货架,塞得满满当当,既非分门别类摆放,也非同一个卖家集中摆放。Grid shelves, is full to the brim, neither place, by category, also non-sellers with a centrally placed.

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她的时间表安排的满满当当——兼职工作,家庭作业,周末露营——像是在弥补过去浪费掉的时间。She juggles a packed schedule—part-time job, homework, weekend camp—as if she’s making up for lost time.

然而,我们当中的很多人都在努力将一天的时间填得满满当当,路上的时间一点不留。Far too many of us, though, try to cram too much into the day, leaving no time to get from place to place.

太多时候精神上身体上的疲惫和排得满满当当的日程使我们错过了许多这样的机会。Too often we pass up these opportunities because of mental or physical exhaustion and over-scheduled days.